The Mole Episodes
 scenes from this episode


Who was executed: Jennifer

Mission 1: Three Routes
    The players are divided into three teams: Resourceful, Smart, and Stupid. If two of the teams make it to their hotel within six hours, the group wins $40,000. Since the Stupid Team is taken to the hotel immediately, only one more team needs to find it. However, the prize doubles if the Stupid Team can keep the Smart Team away.
Money to be Won: $80,000
Mission Completed? Yes, but only $40,000 because the resourceful did not make it and the smart group did.

Mission 2: Reunion
    Presented with responses from loved ones, each player must determine which one applies to them. Every answer they get right is worth $5,000 and a much-needed visit from a loved one.
Money to be Won: $30,000
Mission Completed? Yes, but only $20,000 because Kate and Jennifer guess wrong.

Group Fund Total: $370,000

ABC Observations of Who is the Mole:
Jim went to all three cities during the Three Routes Test, perhaps delaying just long enough to prevent his team from winning.
Charlie waited a long time before he gave the Smart Team the right town to go to, causing them to arrive with only seconds to spare.
Kathryn never appeared to be in a rush during the Three Routes Test, and never traded off with Steven while he was riding the bike.
Steven insisted on waiting for a mechanic to come fix the van. He also never seemed to try to pick up the pace and get Kathryn on the bike sooner.
Kate changed the answers with Jennifer during the Reunion Test after everyone in the group had agreed on them.

My comments:
Coming Soon

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