The Mole Episodes
 scenes from this episode


Who was executed: Wendi

Mission 1: Bullfight
    In this classic Spanish test of man vs. bull, each player must survive two passes of the bull; each pass must brush against the player's cape. If everyone succeeds, the group earns $50,000. After earning the initial $50,000, they will receive $5,000 for each additional tienta, or takedown, of the bull.
Money to be Won: $65,000
Mission Completed? Yes

Mission 2: Laundry
    Three players are selected to hand wash the entire team's laundry. The catch? They can only launder one bag at each location. The trio must go door to door to find enough locations to complete the task before their 8 p.m. deadline.
Money to be Won: $10,000
Mission Completed? Yes

Mission 3: Dice Game
    The fate of five players is controlled by a roll of the dice. Each player rolls to determine their test. A one, two, or three will give them a simple task; a four, five, or six will result in an unpleasant task. Three of the five players must complete their task for the group to win.
Money to be Won: $80,000
Mission Completed? Yes, but only $40,000 because 1 of the other 4 did their test.

Group Fund Total: $250,000

ABC Observations of Who is the Mole:
Jim wouldn't wear the two casts during the Dice Game and didn't attempt a tienta in the Bullfight.
Charlie left a pair of socks in the laundry bag. He also didn't perform a tienta during the Bullfight.
Kathryn didn't complete a tienta and refused to shave her head during the Dice Game.
Jennifer drew attention away from herself by accusing Steven of being The Mole.
Henry didn't defend Kate at the campfire.
Steven refused to pose nude for the Dice Game, costing the group an additional $40,000.
Kate earned an exemption from taking the quiz.

My comments:
Coming Soon

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