The Mole Episodes
 scenes from this episode


Who was executed: Afi

Mission 1: Boat, Car, Helicopter
    After one of the players is kidnapped and taken to a secret location, the remaining eight must divide up into teams and use clues located in their respective modes of transportation to locate their missing compatriot… in under two hours..
Money to be Won: $50,000
Mission Completed? No

Mission 2: Cartier Dilemma
    Three of the players must determine which of the two watches is the fake...the catch is that they are not allowed to take the watches from their location to determine their authenticity, and they must destroy the one they believe is the fake.
Money to be Won: $20,000
Mission Completed? Yes

Mission 3: Cornfield Maze
    Six players are divided into three teams. One player, with the aid of a monitor and walkie-talkie, must guide their partner through a maze carved out of seven-foot high corn stalks. All the while avoiding two aggressors hot on their heels.
Money to be Won: $60,000
Mission Completed? No

Group Fund Total: $135,000

ABC Observations of Who is the Mole:
Jim overlooked the map of Cannes in the van during the "Find Steven" and he disappeared during the test and couldn't be contacted.
Charlie was quick to accuse Henry and Jennifer of sabotaging the "Find Steven" Test. In addition, he failed to follow directions during the Cornfield Maze, preventing his team from completing the test.
Wendi claimed that she couldn't hear Afi during the Cornfield Maze, even though everyone else could. Her lack of perception kept her team from completing the test.
Kathryn delayed the group by calling Cartier to verify the group's selection, costing them precious time. She also went up to see if Steven was in the first location during the "Find Steven", after Anderson said he wasn't.
Jennifer went to the wrong side of the prison looking for the other players during the "Find Steven", causing the group to miss the clock and lose the game.
In the van, Henry didn't tell the others to dock at the heliport to meet up with Jennifer, who went down to meet up with them during the "Find Steven".
Steven said that he heard the helicopter while he was held hostage, when the helicopter wasn't even there. He also told Charlie to turn left in the Cornfield Maze when he couldn't, resulting in his being caught.
Kate stalled during the "Find Steven". She also overlooked the restaurant brochure clue in the boat.

My comments:
    The show starts out with Jennifer talking about how she is close to Jim. After a big dinner everyone goes to bed and during the night Steven is kidnapped and taken to undisclosed location. That morning the group realizes that Steven did not come to dinner and Jim tells the group that he heard some noise during the night. Once they check Steven's room to make sure that he is gone they receive an call from Anderson telling them that Steve has been taken hostage, later during the meal they receive a letter telling them to meet Anderson at Monte Carlo to receive further instructions. When they meet Anderson they get to see a video of Steven in an iron mask in a prison. Then they where given a 30 second phone call, all they found out is that his cell overlooks an ocean and outside his window he can see a cannon.

    Once they divided up into three groups the mission started. Jennifer and Henry in a helicopter; Wendi, Charlie, and Kate are in a boat; and Afi, Jim and Kathryn in a van. About twenty minutes into the mission the group believes that Steven is in a castle in Monte Carlo, but when they called Anderson he said that he was not there, but they still think that he is so they use the phone to call Steven, but it cost them five thousand dollars. When they call Steven they tell him that he can hear the helicopter outside their window. Once the phone call is over they try to get the groups together but Jim is no where to be found, and Jennifer says that she feels that Jim is the Mole. Just then Kate finds a map of Cannes on the boat and they decide to try to go there to look for him there. Once the helicopter gets to Cannes they see Steven waving a flag so they call Anderson and he tells them that the boat and the van need to meet up and go to the island to meet up with the Helicopter. When they get up to the cell Jennifer was no where to be found. She went the wrong way to meet the boat and so did not show up till 4 minutes after the mission was over. Jennifer being upset starts yelling at Henry because she said that she was sent to the wrong place.

    Later that day the group is driven to Crest France and there they have to stay the night in an old prison. The next morning they are asked to divide up into three groups: Leaders (Jim, Afi, Steve), Followers (Charlie, Jennifer, Wendi), and Good Eyes (Kate, Kathryn, Henry). The followers and the leaders are told that they have the day off, and the good eyes are taken up to the roof of the building. When the eyes get up there they are told that they are going to have to look at two watches and tell which one is a real Cartier, but they can not take the watches with them. So after a while of looking at the watches they head off to the town and after awhile of running around the town they really did not find anything about ether one. So they decide to come back to the prison after trying to call Cartier and not finding out anything. When they get back up they have to choose which one, so after a talk they decide on the silver one. The group is then lead to a firing range where each watch is attached to a thumbprint, and they watch that they chose will be shot, if they were right there will be a green explosion and if they were wrong there will be a red explosion. And the gunman shots and there is a green explosion and the group wins 20,000 dollars.

    When the eyes group was working on the watch the rest of the group was resting at the prison and during this time Charlie decides to look around and gets caught looking into a crew car. After the eyes group gets back they followers and leaders are taken out to a cornfield for their next mission. So each leader teams up with a follower, and they are told that the leader will lead the follower through a maze in order to wins some money, but there was a catch there is two guards in the maze and if they catch you, then you lose. After three tries no one can make it out of the maze. So the mission was lost.

    That night during the quiz we find out that Charlie and Steven are giving each other information and forming a kind of alliance. After the quiz we found out that Afi was the second person executed by the mole.

All text and pictures are copyrighted by ABC.

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