The Mole Interviews

The chat with the Unholy Trinity
jaiuvala: Jim, when did you realize Kathryn was the mole?
Jim: Geez, I don't know. Steve and I could both answer that. It was pretty early on that Kathryn was on our list. After the first execution we were pretty much gunning for her and that continued as we went on throughout the subsequent quizzes.

fanafigirl: What was the hardest thing about this game?
Steve: I think the hardest thing was probably the insomnia we suffered. I maybe slept 5 hours a night and I'm sure the other players did, too. Also, you're around each other so much that you got sick of each other. That was the hardest part. Everyone was asking the same questions over and over and pressuring each other and it just got old.
Jim: You can't pick the people you're here with. Normally when you plan a trip to Europe you pick who you're going with. I wouldn't have gone with Charlie and that's the hard part, you're forced to go with people you don't like.

The_Next_Mole: How did you guys prepare for the show? Did you watch foreign versions, and if so, how did your strategies differ from what you had seen?
Steve: I don't think either of us had seen other versions. Jim may have seen internet printouts of some of the test. But, we had no idea what we were up against.
Jim: yes, I'd seen what the Australians had been through, but nothing more than that.

The2ndMole: Jim, did u win any money at all for all the time u spent doing the game?
Jim: Yes, I did win money. All of us won money on a sliding scale for the longest we'd been on there. So, I obviously won more than Manuel did and the people in the middle.

Christina: Steven, did you ever think that you would make it this far and also win the money?
Steve: No, I thought that Jim would probably beat me in the end. I think that both Jim and I thought we had the ability to get sort of an in game with the three of us, but when it came down to it I thought Jim would beat me.

Windows,329424: Steve and Jim, are either of you interested in pursuing an acting career?
Steve: Obviously, we're not going to be on the next mole. As far as other TV jobs, who knows? Whatever happens, happens.

rachel: Jim and Steve, was there anytime in the game where you had no doubts that Kathryn was The Mole?
Jim: I doubted here and there and was concerned it could be Steve, but in the end I stuck to it being Kathryn. To my knowledge, there couldn't be any other result in my opinion because I was never voting for anyone but Kathryn toward the end. So, even though there's a lingering percentage of doubt, I stuck with Kathryn to the end.

Jules: Steve, being an undercover cop, how were you able to go on national TV saying that you are an undercover cop?
Steve: I am an ex-undercover cop. Once the commercials went on, of course, I couldn't do that anymore with my face plastered all over TV. But, yes, I am a cop and I still do detective and narcotics work.

ooooohdoggie: What happened at the Fort, with rejecting Charlie's strategy and leaving Kathryn guarding the glass bowl?
Jim: First of all, Charlie messed that test up. If that idiot hadn't gone to the back of the fortress no one would have knocked the bowl over. Kathryn was weak inside and she played it well on us thinking that we were being smart putting her inside. But, if that door had been covered then no one would have gotten in and it would have been a good place.
Steve: It's 6 in one and half dozen the other, actually.
Jim: If I had to do it over I'd have put Kathryn on the outside and switched positions with her.

catbowl: Jim and and when did your alliance come about?
Jim: One night before the first execution. We'd been talking about it and we shook hands on it and it went from there.
Steve: I was going to partner with someone from the beginning and I thought it would be Charlie, but Jim approached me the morning of our first test and he watched me and I watched him as well trying to ascertain whether one of us was the mole and we felt that neither was so we entered into it.

Chiken22: Steven, which missions did you purposely lose for the team?
Steve: I didn't purposely lose any missions. Although, I put myself in a position to raise suspicion. For example, not wanting to get undressed and really the idea behind it was to have people believe we were the mole and throw them off track and make them double think. The best thing to do was to not do whatever it was we were asked to do.

JacqueTheCameraGuy: What skill do you wish you would have had going into the show, what would have been useful?
Jim: X-ray vision.
Steve: I wish I could read people's minds.
Jim: Fly. Super-human strength. Loud voices, ventriloquism.
Steve: I think we had the right skills, and it worked better when 2 of us paired up. We could get more info. I could read people well in their personalities and how they reacted in situations and Jim was good at getting information.

kfgecko: steve and jim, teaming up and making other believe you guys were the mole was a great strategy, how soon did you guys come up with that strategy?
Steve: I tried to set myself up in situations that would make me look more suspicious. But, really what turned everyone was that I messed up so many tests accidentally that they figured I had to be the mole because no one would be that dumb.
Jim: I don't know the exact time but I know that when we were in the smart car we got ahead of our camera chase car and we had to wait and let the camera chase car to get ahead. This is an example of how fair it was because they gave us five or six minutes for them to catch up with us and that may be what you're talking about.

kitten7410: What was the hardest test?
Jim: The room test in the hotel was pretty hard. The maze tests was almost impossible to win and they knew that. I think that was very difficult to get through.
Steve: Plus when you went into the cornfield they could see you as well as you could see them and so it was like there was no way to get past.

Ollie: Steve, I was wondering why you didn't pose nude? Were you trying to through the game off? Or were you shy?
Steve: I didn't get undressed because I didn't want to, if it had been predicated on me getting undressed to win the money, I would have, because I knew you wouldn't be filmed completely nude on TV. But, I felt it was poor strategy to do that at the time --I knew people would think I was the mole and I knew only three or four people needed to complete to get the money.

Viox: What was the best spot you stayed at during your travels?
Jim: the dungeon was really cool for a cool factor. The hotels were really amazing. Some of the chateaus we stayed at were 5-star. But the dungeon was really cool.

KipBond: What advice can you give people trying to get on the show?
Steve: I'd say go ahead and apply. Go to and apply. I don't know why you wouldn't.

svolk: Do you think everyone was pretending to be the mole all the time?
Jim: That's part of the whole strategy that Steve and I both used.
You pretend to be the mole and encourage people to think others are the mole.

dabreb: How did you get picked to be on the Mole?
Jim: I was just myself on my tape. I said, this is me. I said a couple things about myself and was just as natural as possible. If you're not natural yourself you're not going to get it.
Steve: I went to an open application process at a local bar.
theshoe: Did a lot happen that wasn't on the show?
Steve: There's a few things I don't want to talk about here. But, when Kathryn and I were on the resourceful team, they didn't show it on TV, but when we asked for directions in a town they directed us to an English class and when we got to the English class no one spoke English, not even the instructor.

Sweetldy2: Jim they say you had a crush on Kathryn, is that true?
Jim: They didn't say that, I said that. Yeah, she's cute, smart, sexy, why not? Right?

346 CVLspaz: Do you feel like you did anything "wrong?"
Jim: I don?t' think we did anything wrong. We beat the game. One of us won and that was the idea.

MichelleL6: I'm 18, and waiting until I'm 21 to apply for the you think the show will still be around in 3 years?
Steve: I think the mole will probably be around. It's been around for quite a few years around the world so I don't see why it can't maintain itself for longer.

brody: Who was the hardest to get along with?
Jim: Charlie and Henry!

MooKMaN87: Jim: What's your tattoo of?
Jim: It's actually of a helicopter.

JoeTO: Did you guys all like Anderson?
Jim: Yeah, Anderson's a really cool guy and I think you saw as the show progressed he grew into his own natural personality. He's a fun witty guy and we had fun with him on and off camera.

fanafigirl: Who did you first think was the mole? why?
Steve: I first thought it was Charlie because they had hit me up when they thought strongly and I thought they'd think it was someone with the same background. They hit up everybody and asked if they would be the mole and I didn't realize that at the time so I thought it was Charlie and when I was able to discount Charlie I went right to Kathryn.

TIAMARIE75: I think you guys were all great first of all! Second, Jim and Steven will you two remain friends and keep in touch?
Jim: What friendship?
Steve: We hate each other.
Jim: It's not going to be hard at all. We're friends. Even though he's a nark.

Coolness: What was the most outrageous moment that was edited for tv?
Jim: there's so many...I was so excited when Henry was executed that I took off my clothes and jumped in the pool. They didn't show that.

eagleg17: Did you think all of the tests were real?
Jim: I really thought I was going to walk on hot coals. We'd been discussing this the day before and I wanted to walk on hot coals. In fact, those stupid unburnt coals hurt my feet they were so sharp.
Steve: Your feet are so tender.
Jim: They're so tender, my princess feet.

Nicole: Would you have preferred to be the mole or contestants like you were?
Steve: Obviously, I'm happy with my position in the game. But, I think it would also have been fun to be the mole.
Jim: Yeah it would have been fun.
Steve: I'm not sure I could have done any better. I think kathryn did an excellent job.

monkey: do you think the subtle clues they discussed last night were of any use in figuring out who the mole is?
Jim: Not for us, that's for sure.
Steve: Not one iota.

TheCaptain: were you nervous trying out?
Steve: I didn't think I'd actually get on the show so I wasn't too nervous about it. I was enjoying the novelty of applying.
Jim: I knew from the moment I sent my tape in that I'd be on the show. They couldn't not have me on the show.

JenniferDaphne: Is Kathryn there? If so, why did she decide to agree to be the Mole? What did she get in exchange for giving up playing the game?
Kathryn: Yes, I'm here. I thought it would be a lot of fun and a good challenge. Mainly, it was just the challenge of it.

MichelleL6: Kathryn, what qualities do you have that you think made the producers choose you as the Mole?
Kathryn: It's hard to say. I was surprised when they picked me to be the mole because in my initial interview they asked me to lie in the interview and they asked a series of questions and asked me to lie on one and then they'd ask which I lied on. I forgot to lie and so I thought for sure they wouldn't pick me to be the mole let alone be on the show.The hardest part was the emotional drain of living a lie 24 hours a day in all aspects of my life. I couldn't even be honest with producers because 99% of my interaction with them was on camera. Even the psychologist who was on the trips thought I was a regular player so I had to have fake sessions.

cohenzee: Kathryn, what was your family's reaction to finding out you were the mole?
Kathryn: So far everyone's been supportive. They all feel pretty duped. My whole family believed that I was not the mole. The majority of my family thought that I came in second, which I'm not sure says a whole lot about their confidence in me. But they think it's fun now that it's all over.

molewatcher4: Kathryn, can you tell us any more about that teacher that you used to let throw darts at you? Why did he/she do that?
Kathryn: It was a he and I think he was just a little crazy, to tell you the truth. At the time it didn't phase me that he threw darts at me. It's only in retrospect that I realize that that was nuts.

viper_106: Did u like Anderson cooper?
Kathryn: Anderson is fabulous! I just love Anderson. He's one of the two funniest people I've ever met in my life. He's great to be around and he would make you feel at ease in a really stressful situation.

QuizGuy66: Kathryn - Were there any other visual clues you gave to us? It's great to see the beautiful and smart "girl next door" end up being the mole - you were great!
Kathryn: Thanks quizguy66 I think you picked me from the very beginning. I've read a lot of your messages since the beginning. There were no clues that I gave intentionally. I mean, my whole strategy was to try to avoid detection. I never wanted to intentionally give a visual clue away.

cmruready: Kathryn, the mole with a heart, were you rooting for someone to win? If so, whom?
Kathryn: The mole can't root for somebody to win because that would be favoritism that's not appropriate in a gameshow situation. There were people I got along with better than others. Short of telling someone that you were the mole, which I never did, you can't control their outcome.

SAJ: Kathryn, did they know you were able to cry on command when they chose you as the mole?
Kathryn: No, they never actually asked me about my crying ability. They asked if I was an actress, which I'm not and they didn't want to choose someone who was known to be an actress because they felt that would give it away. They wanted someone who was not that warm which I was a little insulted by because I consider myself a warm person, but in my interview they said I was not.

RhettJakob: Kathryn did you realize saying pull the trigger in the Cartier test was a slip, did it make others suspicious of you as the mole?
Kathryn: They showed the thing with me saying pull the trigger. I guess they think that gave it away. I was actually using it as a common phrase. Other than that obviously I gave something away, because people knew it was me, they were voting for me.

kfgecko: Kathryn, when you snuck a peak at the production binder, was that a sabotage or were you just curious?
Kathryn: It was a set-up. The producers asked me to take a look at the production binder. They asked if I would normally look at it and my answer was that I wouldn't. But, the strange thing is that so many friends who saw that episode thought I would do it and they thought it was completely in character that I sneak a peek. I think that the effect they were going for was that someone would think why would the mole look at the papers because the mole knows everything and there's nothing to be gained. Sometimes they would give me some clue how they wanted me to sabotage or they'd give a suggestion, but mainly they'd just tell me to find a way to sabotage today and then I would create a way to sabotage myself. Judges probably won't find me very trustworthy, which I don't think is true. In the real world I tell the truth. You know, I don't currently practice law, so it's not having any impact on it yet.

joeyrock4: Kathryn how did you feel knowing that both steve and Jim had a coalition with each other, and knew you were the mole?
Kathryn: I think, as they said earlier, that they suspected me early. I knew they suspected me from the beginning. I was unsuccessful in turning them.

red: Did you have a lot of fun?
Kathryn: I said last night that it is fun to pull a fast one on people, I don't get to do that in my real life. In some ways it was fun to be acting outside my character for so long. It's kind of freeing to act in a way you normally wouldn't.

Will: Was the game harder at the beginning or at the end?
Kathryn: It was hard in different ways. In the beginning it was hard because I hadn't really felt my way yet. I was given so little preparation. They just kicked me in the pants and said go. I wasn't sure what my job was supposed to be. That was scary, but not emotionally scary. Towards the end it was more emotionally challenging.

anubee: Kathryn, what did you think of Charlie ? What are these ideological differences that you two had that he keeps talking about?
Kathryn: We had a serious ideological difference that the producers chose not to include in their show and they had their reasons for doing that and I want to honor that by not discussing it today. But, I will leave it by saying we really had some ethical differences.

Peking7777: Steve, did you really not see the music sheet in the newspaper? Kathryn, what was going through your mind when you saw that?
Steve: I really didn't see it. I thought I looked through every page but must have missed it and I'm sure Kathryn thought I was an idiot.
Kathryn: I did think he was sort of being an idiot because it was right there in the paper. That was a frustrating test for me because I was really trying to help the team win money that day and they just weren't cooperating.

It was a difficult day anyway and I must say that day I wasn't feeling very friendly towards them and wanted to leave them in their room and have them not pass the test. The producers were saying no, I have to get them out. Then they wouldn't even listen to me. In retrospect it's funny to look back on it.

waiting4mole2: Did any of you follow any of the chat rooms and theories?
Kathryn: Obviously, I did.
Steve: I read them initially.
Jim: I read a lot of them. There were some really whacked theories out there.
Kathryn: But it's fun. Even the theories I'd find laughable because I knew the answer, it's flattering that people take that much time and were that interested in the show. I had to keep that in the back of my mind when reading them and thinking they were outlandish and even when people were thinking I was having an affair with so and so.

BooYaKa: Kathryn, between Steven or Jim, who do you think would be a great mole?
Kathryn: I think everyone was picked because they had a certain degree of ability to play the mole. So, you know, it's hard to say. I think either of these guys clearly would have made great moles. It's hard to even analyze for everyone because they weren't the mole and they had a different mindset.

catbowl: Kathryn...when did you first find out you were going to be the mole?
Kathryn: You know, actually people have asked this and I?m not really sure. The earliest audition was in mid-August and then a week or two later we went out for semi-final auditions. But, within I think 2 days of semi-finals I knew for sure that I was the mole.

MatthewThomas: Kathryn - did you actually take the tests and just get every question right?
Kathryn: No, I didn't. In fact quite a few times I didn't know the tests involved and that was when they were hoping to get a natural reaction from me. For example, I didn't know the library test. All they told me was be a real player today. Any time I was slower was when I was being a real player. In fact, they pulled me aside and said, could you have made it any slower? I also knew all the brain teasers, too. It might have been a slower process if they stuck me in there not knowing.

saja: Kathryn, did the producers ever ask you not to sabotage certain tests?
Kathryn: It really varied. There were definite days where they said please do not sabotage. They didn't want me to sabotage the parachute jump. Although if I would have been truly afraid to jump they'd have made me make my own decision. For the ATM test, they said make sure you're the person picked when they ask for a volunteer and don't screw it up. I was so paranoid I'd get it wrong. Some days I tried to do really subtle things to keep the team from winning money and other days I didn't care about being subtle because other players were making what I saw as blatant attempts to sabotage. When the safety was on the gun I actually didn't intend to have the safety on. I wouldn't have shot the guy no matter what. I was waiting because I knew someone was back there and I was waiting for him to come and I figured I'd be distracted from the other guy. But, the safety was a mistake.

EC: Kathryn, were your feelings really hurt by Jim's answers (all bad things for you, all good for Steve) on that last day or was that strategy?
Kathryn: I really was upset about the answers to the questions. But, it was probably that in addition to just the stress of the show winding down and Jim and Steve were getting on my nerves that day, I hate to say it, but their whole relationship of "I trust you man, I trust you man" and I'm trying to keep some doubt that I'm not the mole.
Jim: Our coalition made the show, what are you talking about?
Kathryn: there you go, Jim's the star. I'm just trying to answer my questions here.

anubee: How did you find out about Steve and Jim's alliance ?
Kathryn: I knew that they were working together and I knew that from just days into the game because Jim told me that.
Steve: Thank you, Jim!
Kathryn: To me it was great and it took pressure off me. I didn't know specifically that they would be sabotaging things. But, as soon as I saw them doing things like not posing nude I knew.

superstar: Did you ever feel like giving up as the Mole?
Kathryn: No, I never would have considered giving up. Never.

TEXASTECH: Kathryn, did you think you should get more money for being the mole?
Kathryn: Everyone always wants to get paid more. But I definitely think it was worth it. It was a great experience. I'd pay money to play the game so it didn't take much to pay me at all.

Dara2004: Steven was there any real connection between you and Kathryn? And what did your wife say when she saw you "flirting?"
Steve: No, there was no real flirting. Kathryn and I are friends and we understand that the show was trying to create some controversy there. We're friends and Kathryn is completely devoted to her fiancée and so am I to my wife. My wife was definitely not happy about it and as soon as I buy her jewelry she'll be fine.

crazygurl: Steve and Jim, what do you think of Kathryn's ability as the Mole?
Steve: I think she played it exceedingly well.
Jim: Yes, great job!

All text and pictures are copyrighted by ABC.