The Mole Interviews

Although he was unfazed by his close call with the bull, Charlie couldn't avoid being The Mole's seventh victim.
jameson_mole: What was the funniest thing that happened "behind the scenes"??
Charlie: Actually, I think mostly everything that was funny the displayed on the episode. There were some funny things, but I can't think of one from behind the scenes that was any funnier than the others. I thought one of the funniest things was trying to get the sheep into the corral and they didn't show the whole thing. That was one of the funniest episodes.

zzzeus: who did you enjoy playing the game with the most?
Charlie: I enjoyed playing with Stephen the most. Both of us being law enforcement we bonded a little bit. And he had a bond with Jim, unbeknownst to me. But, he was my closest ally.

gamblersds: Do you think Kathryn was faking the fainting spell?
Charlie: No, I don't think she was faking the fainting spell because I saw her immediately thereafter and still looked pale and shaken. She convinced me that she had fainted. And, when I saw it on TV I took notice of her face and it was chalk white. I don't think it affected her game because she finished and I don't think it was "molish" as you would say.

JasperJohns: How did you get on the show?
Charlie: What happened was, a friend of my wife's saw the show advertisement for auditions and she called saying I'd be good 'cause they were probably looking for an older guy. My detective background might help, she thought. I resisted, but my wife and her girlfriend talked me into auditioning and it unfolded from there and I went onto the show.

merillon: Do you feel the show portrayed you honestly?
Charlie: I think that they had their prerogative to use whatever footage they wanted. I agreed with that when I agreed to go on. I felt I was out of character for myself and I figured they might not show that, but they did and, again, it was their prerogative. But my friends saw me as out of character in some instances.

anniegram4u: Charlie, did you really have an alliance with Steve? Do you think he betrayed you?
Charlie: I had a bonding with him. We did share information. Unbeknownst to me he had another pact, which I considered more of a conspiracy with Jim. It was a game and each person was out to win so I hold no grudge. He used it with myself and another person. He was honest in that I wouldn't expect him to give up the coalition he had with someone else. I'd expect that and I have no problem with Steve at all.

Windows,32840: When your wife came to visit, you seemed like a totally different person, now let us know, which personality is truly you?
Charlie: I think that all my friends told me and told my wife that the true me came out when my wife came to visit. That was the true Charlie and the other was my "TV Charlie" and I was putting on a facade, as they might call it. I think it was just the person I vented on with some emotions that were pent up because of the stress of the test, the "heat of the battle" so to speak and I got carried away at times. But my true character was with my loving wife.

QueezyLeezy: Do you think you would have lasted longer or even won if you played more of a fatherly role to other players?
Charlie: I think if I had been able to get closer to the person who was the actual mole it would have been to my benefit and I'd have been more successful. But, between the generation gap and the ideological gap between myself and not only the person who was the mole, but maybe one other also, I wasn't privy to the information I needed and that's why I was executed.

mole-fan: why do you think you were booted in episode 7, did you know who the mole was but forget details about him or her?
Charlie: I believed that I identified the Mole right from the beginning and I stuck with my choice throughout. When it got down to four people I think we all knew (the three who weren't the mole) all knew who it was. Then Steve got the exemption and so it was myself and one other person taking the quiz. I became at a disadvantage at that point because I had referred to the other three as the "unholy trinity" and they had been seen as a conspiracy. That's what caused me to lose out on the mole. It wasn't that I didn't know who it was, but I was at a disadvantage. Between the generation gap and the ideological gap between myself and not only the person who was the mole, but maybe one other also, I wasn't privy to the information I needed and that's why I was executed.

loogaroo: How would you react if it turns out that Steven, the player you were closest to throughout the game, turns out to be the Mole?
Charlie: I have my own thoughts on who the mole is and I can't give them out at this time. To answer that, I would be telling tales out of school. Many people where I am are convinced that Stephen is the mole.

Amanda_38: Was it fun to try all the tests that were given?
Charlie: Yes, that was, I think, the highlight. There was no one particular highlight, but the highlight of trying things I'd have never done like skydiving or getting in a bull ring with a bull. I wouldn't have had an opportunity to shepherd sheep and other things. I think it was a unique experience and the whole thing was very exciting.

QueenofUselessFacts: If you had the chance to go back and change something you did on the show, what would it be and why?
Charlie: If I had a chance to change anything it would be to try to ingratiate myself more to the person I thought was the mole. I actually got into philosophical discussions at times and then probably alienated me from them instead.

pandarach: For all us law enforcement types, what was it like totally changing your life and living with civilians you would probably never even consider interacting
Charlie: I've been retired for 8 years and have always kept a civilian life apart from the police department and I knew some day I'd retire and there would be life after the police department. I have a vast array of civilian friends. Many in law enforcement only stick to others in the business. And, I think it helped me to not do that.

talulaspark: How did you make it this far?
Charlie: I think I definitely identified after the first day or so, I looked at the other 9 suspects, if you will, and tried to put myself in the mindset of the producers and tried to determine who they'd select. I did the same thing and selected who I think they'd select and then decided to watch that person very closely and look for covert and overt acts they might perform to solidify my beliefs. And, I watched others to see if another suspect would pop up. But, early on, I think I identified who the mole was.

flipalot: Only the younger players remains, do you think age works against you in this game?
Charlie: I think age actually didn't work against me as far as physical ability or anything else. I'm very physically fit. But, the generation gap was a detriment. The younger people stuck together. It's a game of listening and getting information from the person you think is the mole. I was observant and felt I answered well on the quiz. But, things I had to elicit from the mole, you had to answer questions like what's the zip code of the mole. I wasn't getting the answers to those and I think the age and generation gap had something to do with that to start it off.

Jamestown: Why did you walk the plank when you already knew Kathryn completed her task and could only assume that Jim would complete his?
Charlie: The reason I did that was I felt I was getting shut out of the information. I felt that either Jim or Kathryn was a threat and I wanted to take them on one-on-one earlier rather than later on. Because, the more information I was losing out on was putting me more at risk of failing the quiz. As it was, I was right. I did come in 2nd in the quiz. My strategy was to try to take on the person I thought was NOT the mole one-on-one sooner rather than later and then take the next one on. That was my strategy and I'd probably do it the same way again.

JacksonPollack: What was your favorite location?
Charlie: I think my favorite location was probably that hotel up in Spain where I got the massage and sauna and waited for the others to come and find us. We had them at our fingertips but kept holding them off. I was overlooking a golf course that I would have loved to be playing on.

Woofus: What was more difficult, the physical challenges, the mental challenges or the tests every few days?
Charlie: Basically, I found the physical challenges very easy. I didn't find any problem with the physical challenges. In fact, I think I did them better than some of the younger people. I try to stay active and I play basketball with people half my age. I'm very physically fit. far as the mental challenges, it was very challenging. You had to take notes and be observant and try to keep up with others. So, I'd say the mental challenge was greater than the physical one.

sean: Do you think Steve was trying to help you or do you think he was just playing the game?
Charlie: I believe Steve did help me and I helped him. We mutually helped each other during the games and possibly getting answers from the quiz together. Unbeknownst to me he was also working with Jim and they were trying to steer other players to vote for someone else as the mole. I think they were responsible and successful in getting at least two other people off the show.

Kefeak: Hey Charlie, what happened to you in the Sniper test? It was hard to tell why you got shot.
Charlie: In the sniper test, actually, still to this day I don't know who shot me. I was well hidden behind a building, I thought. I don't know where the shot came from and all of a sudden they said "you're dead." They were very proficient in their job.

Puppy: What was the total length of time that you were involved with the game (i.e., away from home)?
Charlie: I was away for a total of about 28 days. And, that's the time it took to do the whole thing.

Asterix293: Did you make life-long friends with anyone on the show? Will you be talking to anyone after all this is over?
Charlie: Actually, the only person who's address and phone number I took was Steve's. I didn't have anything really in common with others, although I liked Henry, Wendy and Afi. After that I really don't have anything in common with the other people. I'm sure they're not looking to hear from me and I'm certainly not going to look to contact them.

infoman_55: What are you doing now that you're home and how has your life changed?
Charlie: I'm back to doing what I was doing. I'm retired and waiting for the weather to get better. I'll be off to Florida to play golf and tennis and enjoy retirement with my wife and family. As far as how my life changed, it changed while the show was going on. The show took on a life of its own. We had mole parties thrown here. A local Irish pub insisted my friends and I come down to watch an episode here. There was a Mole surprise party I attended one night and was very surprised at. So it took on a life of its own. But, once the show is over in a couple weeks life will go back to normal. I'm not looking for a career in TV or movies.

Mongo: Did you feel bad for Manuel when the group wouldn't give up 10,000 dollars to go out for the night in Paris?
Charlie: I actually would have done it but it came up quickly and it was more taken as a joke. I don't think anyone took it seriously at the time. But I would have taken them up on it in retrospect. I was having fun out dancing, but others were looking to go home. It never was taken that serious at that particular time.

Mr. Blowhorn: Did getting caught looking in the van keep you from looking in the production notebook later on in the game?
Charlie: No. Getting caught at the van, I was surprised, because I thought I scouted the area out pretty well. I didn't see whoever was up on the wall. I thought the notebook was a dead giveaway and I wasn't going to go near that because I thought it was too obvious.

RyanMoleFan: Did you have a specific strategy in mind as you made your way through the game?
Charlie: I definitely had a strategy. My early one I had to abandon it because no one fell for it after a couple episodes - that was to try to get people to think I was the mole so they'd direct questions to me and get eliminated. After a while I knew no one thought I was the mole and the strategy was to concentrate on the person I thought was the mole and observe them as much as possible.

snowdeer: Charlie, what did you learn from the experience that surprised you the most?
Charlie: When I found that Steven had a pact going with Jim. I thought that being my law enforcement buddy it was just he and I against the world and I was really surprised to find that he had already been approached by Jim and agreed to have what they called a coalition. I called it a conspiracy.

sky: Charlie, were you aware of the animosity Jim had towards you, and if so did you try to use it to your advantage?
Charlie: I knew that Jim wasn't fond of me and I certainly wasn't fond of him. We got along and put up with each other. We didn't have any bouts or anything like that but there was definitely an extreme ideological difference between us.

jimmyg: Charlie, I congratulate you on a game well played... you were an excellent player. question... during the Maze contest why did you and not Steve run the Maze?
Charlie: I think we could have flipped for that one and I really wanted to run the maze myself and I think Steve kind of deferred to being the leader or advisor. I like doing the fun things. When I walked the plank, I did it for strategy purposes. But, I wanted to complete the task. I felt obligated to the producers too who got all this set up and I thought people deserved to see this on TV. That's why I ran the maze. I wanted to do that more than the sitting back job.

themole: Why did you pack Wendi only one shoe?
Charlie: Actually, it was Steve that I packed the one shoe for and it looked like I did it on purpose as part of my strategy to get people to think I was the mole. But I really did it by accident. They gave us a rush time to pack and I think I even packed his bag better than I packed my own. It became comical, but it wasn't done intentionally.

MOLEFAN: If you had only one piece of advice to give the players in The Mole 2, what would it be?
Charlie: The piece of advice I'd give any future player is to identify one person, stick with them, stick like glue, get inside their shirt if you can, elicit as much information as you can. Be their best friend and that's the only way you're going to win it.

benmos: I thought it was you all along, did you sabotage any test on purpose or mislead others and how?
Charlie: No. I didn't actually sabotage anything on purpose. I gave a lot of innuendo on purpose to have people think I was the mole. Early on I tried to make people think I was the mole, but I didn't do it by sabotaging at all.

moledy: What are you going to do now? Do you want to get into acting?
Charlie: No. I'm really not looking for a 2nd career. I'm happy to go back to my leisurely retired life and play golf and tennis, do a little traveling and get back into my routine.

hellou: Do you think the mole tried to stay to themselves?
Charlie: I think the mole was trying to not give out any information to people and try to basically just hide the fact that they were the mole. I don't think they were instructed to keep to themselves too much and I don't think they chose to keep to themselves. But, they did select who they would be with most of the time.

Jackie: Which one of the previously eliminated players would you say played the game the best?
Charlie: I would say that Jennifer probably played the game the best. She had her good points and bad points. In doing the actual tests I think she was very good and very adept at doing them. She had bad points in that each time she did something a little wrong she tried to put the blame on others. She could be a little antagonistic and abrasive. But, as far as playing the game test-wise she was very good. If I had to choose someone she'd be on top of my list as far as choosing a partner to perform the tests with.

benmos: I thought it was you all along, did you sabotage any test on purpose or mislead others and how?
Charlie: No. I didn't actually sabotage anything on purpose. I gave a lot of innuendo on purpose to have people think I was the mole. Early on I tried to make people think I was the mole, but I didn't do it by sabotaging at all.

moledy: What are you going to do now? Do you want to get into acting?
Charlie: No. I'm really not looking for a 2nd career. I'm happy to go back to my leisurely retired life and play golf and tennis, do a little traveling and get back into my routine.

hellou: Do you think the mole tried to stay to themselves?
Charlie: I think the mole was trying to not give out any information to people and try to basically just hide the fact that they were the mole. I don't think they were instructed to keep to themselves too much and I don't think they chose to keep to themselves. But, they did select who they would be with most of the time.

Jackie: Which one of the previously eliminated players would you say played the game the best?
Charlie: I would say that Jennifer probably played the game the best. She had her good points and bad points. In doing the actual tests I think she was very good and very adept at doing them. She had bad points in that each time she did something a little wrong she tried to put the blame on others. She could be a little antagonistic and abrasive. But, as far as playing the game test-wise she was very good. If I had to choose someone she'd be on top of my list as far as choosing a partner to perform the tests with.

floppypoo: Were you sorry you hadn't chosen to do the artistic task instead of the counting task?
Charlie: No. If I had to choose I'd choose the sheep herding. From what I understand that was tried 8 times before in the European versions and it was never successfully completed. We were the first to actually get the sheep into the corral.

ShoopShoo: Why was your "Trust test" real, when the others got to walk on cold coals or have a knife placed next to their ear?
Charlie: I think the whole thing was whether you were actually going to do the test. I think some people were surprised when I actually agreed to do my test. A lot of people remarked that they knew they weren't going to walk on hot coals or they knew that the safety factors weren't as much as mine. I had a harness on, but I was in a foreign country and I don't know their standards for harnessing and whether the guy hooked it up correctly. I think I had legitimate danger whereas the others didn't.

Trez01: Charlie, there was a pact spoken of in the game, but with everyone having to answer questions individually, how can any conspiracy work, and if so how did it work?
Charlie: I think, for instance, you get two people together and they would try to talk someone into thinking that one person was the mole who wasn't and if they got somebody convinced of that then that person would eliminate themselves on tests. They were leading them down a garden path as a strategy. So, it's definitely beneficial to form bondings and coalitions with people. Particularly if you can do it with the mole.

Dewon: Do you really hate Kate ??? I know it's just a game.
Charlie: No. I don't really hate her. I found her very annoying and hen-pecking. She would recite the rules to you and be a mother hen type of person. Because of the close and constant contact she got on my nerves. And, out of character, I used language to her that wasn't my usual character. When we lost the fort that night she tried to blame me and I got annoyed at her. They rejected my strategy which I thought would really make us win. And, so I went with theirs and when we lost she tried to blame me and I wasn't going to stand for that. But I don't have any long-standing animosity towards her. Although, I do know how to hold a grudge.

CyranoFBC: Is it hard to maintain the secrecy of The Mole to your friends and family?
Charlie: I didn't have any problem with maintaining secrecy of who the mole was or who was getting executed or anything like that after coming back. Being in the NYPD for many years there were obviously things I could never discuss with my family. My father before me was a detective. I used this to my advantage and had no problem with it at all. Some people thought it must be so difficult. I didn't tell my wife at all. Number one, I was sworn to secrecy. Number two, I didn't want to put the pressure on her either. If I told her she would risk slipping up too.

canadian_man09: What were your thoughts about the Green Glass Game?
Charlie: In the fort with the green glass being thrown over, we had sat down and decided our strategy. There was the green glass and two light posts that had to be guarded. I suggested we didn't have enough people to guard all stations. My suggestion was to give up one light post. Steve was wavering, but Jim was adamantly opposed to that and so I deferred to their strategy which I didn't think would work. And, it didn't work.

JulietteNBC: When playing the game, do you feel another side coming out of you? Like a Jekyll/Hyde thing?
Charlie: Yeah, I found that in playing a game with a little bit of the stress and aggravation of some of the people who aggravated me - some more than others - there were some frictions and I think I definitely acted out of character at times. I thought they wouldn't display those on TV, but they used them and it was their prerogative. My friends have said they didn't think that was the true Charlie. When my wife came then the true Charlie came out.

LakaLaka: Charlie, good luck in your future. How do you feel now about being very verbally strong with Jennifer and Kate? Did you intend this or were you carried away?
Charlie: Basically, my dialogue with Jennifer and Kate that they showed on TV was a little bit out of character. But, both of them did aggravate me quite a bit and I did vent. And I don't think that's so much out of character. But, losing my temper and the inappropriate language I used was out of character. The_Mole_Charlie In the heat of battle I just acted out of character.

gamblersds: What advice can you give those wanting to audition for the next series?
Charlie: I think in the auditions you have to number one be yourself. If you try to be an actor they won' t take you. It's a genuine reality show. I was very cynical at first going out for the show and I thought they'd tell us how to act and connive things a bit. I was very surprised that that didn't happen. Everything was 100% reality. There was no contriving or retakes. So, my advice is to be yourself, try to sell yourself. You have to bring something to the table so whatever that is, wrap it up and bring it.

UTA: So who is the Mole?
Charlie: I can't divulge who the mole is. You'll have to watch next Wednesday night and the reunion. You'll get some insight as to the strategies used and things involved. I encourage everyone to watch. It will be interesting.

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