The Mole Interviews

Afi was The Mole's second victim.

ABC: It looked like there was a little bit of anguish on your face, but you got to stay longer than you thought?
Afi: I thought I was going to stay longer, but I got to do more quizzes than most people. I was content with the time that I stayed, although I would like to have stayed longer.

ABC: Well, everyone wants to know who's the Moleand everyone had a different opinion, and we wanted to know what you thought, since you were so close to it. We're sure you have special insights.
Afi: Let's put it this way - the mole is someone you've seen a lot, and looks at the camera in a suspicious way.

Bosch: It said on TV that you are studying to be a doctor. What kind of doctor would you like to be? How much longer do you have to study?
Afi: Osteopathy is the type of medicine I'd like to go into. How much longer depends on what specialty I go into, but four years of education and then residency.

Hiramoneous: You have a very unusual name. What does it mean, and how did your parents come up with it?
Afi: My name is an African name, with a long story behind it. The basis behind it is that I was born on Saturday, and in one country in Africa it means "girl born on Saturday," and in another it means "spiritual princess."

Cheatin'Tral: I read in your online profile that you had open-heart surgery as a child. Did this influence your decision to become a doctor?
Afi: Absolutely, yes. When I was four, I understood what the doctors had done for me and how they had helped me see a new part of life. And I decided I wanted to be a doctor, and give to the world what had been given to me.

Diane Loves The Mole: What did you think about Charlie? Do you find him very odd (as does the rest of the nation)?
Afi: Well, I think anyone who's from the NYPD might be a little odd!

ABC: Any more insight about Charlie that you want to share with us? What was it like on the set with him?
Afi: He was pretty cool on the set; very much like "I am in charge."

Lemon: What was your favorite mission?
Afi: That's hard.... My favorite one would probably be Steve's rescue, because I felt like I was on "Mission Impossible", and that I could save the world.

Go Canes: Since the show prevents anyone from really solidifying anyone else's trust, did you feel you could be a real friend to anyone?
Afi: Yes and no. Where you guys saw only an hour of the show, there was probably a hundred-plus hours of taping. I can say I trust some people, but I wouldn't trust them all...even if we weren't on the show. Pretty much, I could trust most people.

ABC: On the show, it looked like you and Wendy became friends.
Afi: Wendy and I became friends due to the downtime. Just in one day, that happened. And then we kept going from there. But if we hadn't had that time (which wasn't scheduled), you'd never know.

The Life: Is it difficult to be among those other people, knowing that you can never let your guard down?
Afi: You get used to it, and you take everything with a grain of salt. It's a good life lesson, outside of the Mole.

Joe: Who did you bond with the most while you were on the show?
Afi: Jim, Wendy, Steve, and that's it...mainly.

The Mole Is Cool: Was it the best experience of your life?
Afi: Because it was so different from anything I've ever done, I couldn't say it was the best, but it was up there! I got to do so many things - in such a short period of time - that most can't do in a lifetime. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Chili Bean: In the maze, did ABC tell you that there were technical difficulties and that is why Wendi could not hear you?
Afi: No. At that point, I was asking why she wasn't moving. I had no idea why. I couldn't hear her say that she couldn't hear ME. And when she came back, that's when I found out they hadn't switched the helmet. I think it would have worked if she had heard me. The hunters thought she was coming from a different direction, as you saw.

Go Crimson: Do you think people were less energized over the missions than you because they were strategizing, worried about trusting others, or some other reason?
Afi: I think they were more into "How can I fake people out into thinking I'm the Mole?" I was trying to do that, but I was moreso looking to have fun with it. I kept it in mind that it was a game, whereas the rest thought it was money.

Razcal: If you could do anything over again, what would that be?
Afi: All of it! It would be great to skydive again. And the whole Steve mission, too... that was fun. I felt like Rambo!

Limelite23: I was kind of surprised that no one was able to say goodbye to the person that was executed. Was it hard for you to go through that?
Afi: I think that because we weren't allowed to say goodbye, it was easier, and less emotional. People came down on Wendy for crying and showing emotion, but I believe they were sincere. But if we had the chance to say goodbye, it would take a long time and be boring, and nobody would want to watch.

Josh-2: How did Anderson interact with the people there? Was he friendly?
Afi: Anderson is the BOMB! He's so cool! Obviously because of the show, he had limited interaction with us. He was so fun! If you can ever meet him, just try...he's hilarious!

I Q: Did you realize that your teammates thought of you so highly?
Afi: I was very shocked with what Kate had to say. Jim and I were really close...we bonded from the first second, in the helicopter. It took a little longer for Wendi. I was shocked with a few, but I'm happy, because they mean a lot to me.

Mole Gangsta: Was the Paris ride (when you rode bikes through the town) hard?
Afi: Good lord! When we rode the bikes, we were in the south of France. We were riding in mountains, and it was really hard. There was one broken bike, and that's the one I was on. So, if it looked like I was schlepping up the hill, it's because I was!

BraMole: Were you filmed all day long? Or just during the challenges?
Afi: All day long! I estimated around 20 hours per day.

Adam 44: Have you read the message boards for this show and are any of them 'dead on'?
Afi: I read one, but it was just someone saying who the Mole is and who it isn't, and they came to my name and they weren't sure. That was the first episode, obviously. But my family and friends have definitely read the chat rooms, and they say, "That's not her at all!"

Freddie: Are there any inside stories you can tell us about that haven't been shown on TV? I want gossip!
Afi: Hey, Freddie, we're goofy! If you want any kind of song sung to you, ask Wendi! If you want a really good explanation - a "Miami Vice"-type one - ask Steve. Jim will crack you up in any mood. I could go on and on! Henry suddenly started bringing his Bible to dinner. Most everyone was confused, because he didn't start off like that. He's also a very picky eater. I hadn't seen "Survivor," but I heard he was a big church-goer. I didn't know he was doing that to appeal to the religious crowd or not. We didn't know if he was acting or being himself, or whether or not he is the Mole.

Scott: Afi, who do you think that the Mole is now that you are out of the game and have time to look back at things?
Afi: I wonder why everyone wants to know who the Mole is! Isn't it more fun to try and figure it out?

Cintra: Why do you think it took so long for Jim to return in the van when you were looking for Steve?
Afi: Cintra, there was a parking issue. The van was parked in the wrong spot, and Jim had to get out of it. But that has nothing to do with the show!

Go Terriers: Do you think the Mole's primary concern is to mask their identity or to sabotage the missions?
Afi: If you think about it, the Mole cares, but not so much in terms of the money. What they want to do is mask their identity so they can mislead people. I'd say it's to fool them, in terms of identity. That's the primary concern.

Ginny Loves The Mole: Afi, do you think that Jim was telling you the truth when he was speaking in French, or do you think he was leading you in circles?
Afi: I figured he was leading me in circles because I understand a little French. But it's not extensive, so I had to trust him. I did question him a lot, and he'd say, "Oh, maybe that is a good idea," and then go one way or the other. We made a lot of joint decisions.

Brad: Did you really want to hold the money hostage on that ATM mission? Why?
Afi: It was a good idea! They didn't tell us that we weren't allowed to change the rules of the game, or manipulate or negotiate. Jim came up with the idea, and I said, why not try it? But I thought it was a great idea. If I could have had more immunity, I would have done it!

The Real Mole: Were you mad when y'all lost the 'Save Steve Mission'?
Afi: I was kind of mad because on that hill you saw us climb, I had to push Kate up the whole time! And she's not a toothpick. (smile)

ABC: Were you mad at Jennifer when she didn't come back?
Afi: Not really. She and Henry are 'jacked up' and they have their own issues. We were supposed to meet her at the heliport, but we saw it was quicker to meet her at the other entrance. Henry could have screamed to her and let her know, though.

ABC: So when Jen went the other way, did that make you think she was the Mole or not?
Afi: That wasn't leading enough to me. I knew the Mole was going to take action, but that was so OVERT. Her actions weren't as strong as other people's actions, in my mind.

Miata-02: What does your family think about you doing all this?
Afi: Most of the time, nobody knew I was on the show. Since the TV show was aired last night, I've done a lot of interviews. I'm receptive to anything!

Treguard827: How'd Steve do when he was finally released from the mask?
Afi: He was sweaty, and tired of being in that mask! He was extremely calm, because he knew he couldn't get frustrated while he was waiting. I don't know if he could hear everything, but he was very calm and asking everybody what happened and what they did.

ABC: He wasn't upset at all, after being in that mask?
Afi: He was upset. He was saying we were so close, why didn't we look at the clues, and he thinks we could figure it out.

ABC: So, what was it like skydiving?
Afi: Skydiving was a total rush! I'm not a big person for roller coasters - I don't like my stomach going into my throat. It felt like I was flying...REALLY flying. And then all the sudden, twisting, and doing all these cool tricks with the parachute.

The Mole Is Not You: When you were divided up into the different groups, were you glad you were not one of the followers?
Afi: I think it would have been better to be a follower. I know how to be fast and quiet, and I think I could have helped the situation a little better. But who knew? (smile)

DTrolandG15: Did you become kinda suspicious of Jim when he said he wanted to be exempted from the test?
Afi: You're always a little suspicious of everyone. I was suspicious of how he attracted attention with his teeth. I thought it was suspicious how he changed his direction. The sign said to go one way, and he led off on another.

SparkyL: Do you think everyone is showing what they are really like or do you feel they are putting on a front for the cameras?
Afi: I can't comment for everybody, but I can say I was definitely me. My friends will attest. I felt some of them were trying to land a movie role in the future. And I guess that's a good thing, if you're trying to demonstrate your acting. But if you're a bad actor, who wants you? (smile)

ABC: What did you guys do in between the missions?
Afi: We would eat; we slept a lot. Just as fast as it went for you guys, it went twice as fast for us! You guys saw us 200 or 300 miles away, but we had to drive that distance.

ABC: We saw some of the meals you had on the show. Can you tell us what else you had to eat?
Afi: French food is so good! I had lobster, and authentic French food. We'd start off with an appetizer and soup, and then the main course, and the cheese, and then coffee. A lot of different combinations. I had all kinds of game meat - all kinds of things. It was excellent.

Noonesland: Had you ever been to Paris before?
Afi: No I haven't. I was just as excited as Manuel to hang out in Paris and go clubbing.

Matt: What is the level of stress between you and the others when you have to do the tests?
Afi: On a scale of one to ten, I'd say twelve and a half! It was very stressful. You're wondering how they're dividing it up, and you're thinking about everything you're missing while you're asleep, or talking to people.

Luke5502: Why was Jim wearing sunglasses 99% of the time...very shady?
Afi: That's a good question! For that matter, why did MC Hammer? Some people are just comfortable wearing them all the time. You don't always know why.

Mary: Do you think any pair could have made it through that maze?
Afi: No. I don't think so, because it was pretty much impossible. You have two people who knew the maze back and forwards, and you also have the leaders not knowing what all the circumstances are. And also the height of the cornstalks, and all that.

Starbirght: What would you do over again? How about the player's quiz?
Afi: I would have taken a little more time on them. You can take up to an hour on them, if you want. If you take too long, you're eliminated. It's just a matter of who took the test faster. If I'd spent a little more time, I would possibly have done better.

Wonger: Was there anyone in the game you felt you absolutely could NOT trust?
Afi: You couldn't really 100% trust anybody.

Stephanie: Who did you think you could trust more, the men or the women?
Afi: to answer this! I guess I'd have to say that I trust each gender in different ways. I trust men to tell me more a little more about themselves without being dramatic. Women tend to be a little more dramatic, and you don't know if they're telling you the truth or not. That's just my perception...maybe I'm wrong.

Sparky: In the cornfield, Jennifer seemed not to be doing what Jim told her to do. Do you think this was on purpose, or was it hard to hear?
Afi: She has a bigger head than Wendi! I think her head fits the helmet a little bit better. It's quite, quite possible that she just wasn't listening, but it could also be the emotion and knowing that in the middle of the night two people are hunting you down. It's a matter of do you trust the person who's seeing the overhead view, or do you trust your own instinct?

Extreme Island: How were you able to memorize all those facts when you had to come up with the ATM code?
Afi: I have a very, very good memory, especially for numbers. I'd look at the numbers, and relate the numbers to people I know. For instance, Wendi and my sister are the same age. Jim and my other sister are the same age. So, I had some things I could remember them by.

Klawy Kabos: Is there anything in your life that you think specifically prepared you for this?
Afi: Traveling to many countries before helped me get used to relocating. The fact that I'm extremely spontaneous and extroverted didn't hurt either.

ABC: Where have you traveled?
Afi: I've lived in Spain, Honduras, and Guatemala. I've been to Hawaii, Mexico, England, and now France. And the east coast!

ABC: Why is that? Did your family travel a lot when you were growing up?
Afi: We pretty much stayed in Maryland when we were growing up. But my parents encouraged their kids to travel a lot. They told us that the world is our oyster, but so is life, and to take advantage of it because you never know what will happen day by day.

Treguard827: Should there be a second "Mole" show, what advice would you give a potential player?
Afi: Should there be a second show? I think so, yes. I would say the nice people need not apply. You need to be gung-ho about getting the money. If you're not, it won't cut it. People are nice, but it's a matter of what drives you. And I'm not financially driven, although I should be!

Eek The Cat85768: Did Katherine seem as suspicious when you were actually playing the game as she does on TV?
Afi: Yeah, Katherine is very quiet in a way. You didn't know if that was her personality or her strategy. You'll notice that she's not really close to anybody. I think that she used that to her advantage, in terms of her strategy in playing the game. But she's very suspicious.

Coccyx: Do you feel that the television has portrayed you in a good or bad way while your duration of the mole so far?
Afi: I'm goofy, and I can take things seriously at times. Like during the quizzes and such. It showed me pretty dang well, I think. This is reality TV, and the producers did a really good job to not make it false.

ABC: Did you have a strategy when you were taking the questionnaire?
Afi: Yeah, I decided to put all my eggs in one basket!

AntKC: What's the one thing you will remember the most about playing in "The Mole"?
Afi: I don't know if I could say I'd remember just one thing. Every single detail made a big difference in the way I played the game. Like Jim coming over and hugging me and telling me I was cool. Or me going over to Henry and saying, "You're dumb." (smile) It was awesome.

All text and pictures are copyrighted by ABC.