Survivor 2 Cast
Age:28 (November 11, 1972)
Status: Single
Job: Bartender
Hometown: Ronkonkoma, New York
The Game:"You're not going to see me eating barbecued rat; you're not going to see me eating dog food. It's 39 days, if you have no self-control, then you really need to re-evaluate yourself."
The Strategy:"I don't like to intentionally hurt people; that's a big problem. I know it's not my job to make everyone else happy, but I don't go out of my way to be a cruel person at all.... With this you're hurting somebody you know when you vote somebody off."
Luxury Item: Scrabble
    Kimmi Kappenberg currently works as a bartender in Long Island, New York, while also freelancing as a production assistant for television commercials. Having taken courses at Suffolk Community College, University of Houston and Stephen F. Austin State University, she ultimately received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the New York Institute of Technology. She is most proud of the fact that she graduated at the top of her class after having taken a few years off from school.
    Kappenberg describes herself as spontaneous, outgoing and creative. Her favorite hobbies are photography, gardening, and reading. Her perfect day would include a trip to the beach, horseback riding, eating many times (a vegetarian, she will not eat land-dwelling animals, only seafood), having sex, and watching the sunset. Her favorite television shows are Win Ben Stein's Money and The Simpsons, while her favorite motion pictures are Cruel Intentions and Beauty and the Beast. She prefers country, 80s, and club music. Her favorite sports team is the New York Yankees and she prefers a good game of Trivial Pursuit or Scrabble when she has time.
    Born and raised in East Setauket, Long Island, Kappenberg currently resides in Ronkonkoma, Long Island. Currently single, she lives with her cat, Abbi, while her other three cats, Bart, Sasha and Meow, and her twin Shih Tzu dogs, Till and Fieval, live with her parents.

All text and pictures are copyrighted by CBS.

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