Battle of Seasons Episodes


6: Cow Penning

What MTV had to say about the episode:
    Now that the teams don’t have to vote anyone off, the mood has improved. The Road Rules girls are doing yoga together in the mornings and joking around. Holly is laughing and trying to learn how to be humble and to forgive. She notes that she’s "in no way angry with Emily after the whole Chadwick and Piggy ordeal." This all changes, however, when Emily receives a pretty nasty e-mail from Chadwick that basically blames her for his being voted out. Holly, of course, agrees with her husband’s assessment and once again there is division amongst the Road Rulers.

    Meanwhile, the Real Worlders make a pact that somebody on their team has to start getting first place in the competitions. The Road Rulers are smugly confident. Timmy says the Real Worlders "are all tied for no chance in hell." Things seem to be going that way during the Cow Penning Competition when Timmy and Emily get an amazing 25-second time. But Sean and Elka surprise everyone by destroying that time, putting their cow in the pen in 15 seconds. To the amazement of absolutely everyone, Danny and Kelley, both of whom have very little riding experience, get their cow penned in 14 seconds and win the competition!

    Their excellent scores start closing the gaps between the teams and Real World is filled with new confidence that they can actually win the challenge. Mike says they "just want to kick Road Rules' ass hard core!"

All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.

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