Battle of Seasons Episodes
 scenes from this episode


1:Hang Man

What MTV had to say about the episode:
    It’s the Battle of the Seasons, and apparently we can kiss Jisela’s ass because she’s not afraid of heights. We've got 32 contestants, 16 teams, eight seasons from two shows, and it's all about to go down. $300,000 is at stake and the last three teams standing from the winning show will split the money. Got all the numbers straight? Now, let’s get to what really matters the drama.

    Beth S. and Norman don’t like each other. Stephen has already rubbed Coral the wrong way. Belou has her baby daughter with her and her teammates don’t think that’s cool. Holly and Chadwick are the lovey-dovey married couple and everyone is sick of their kissing and their ready-made alliance.

    The first challenge is called "The Hangman." Each team must hang from a steel girder suspended over water, and the teams that hang the longest will get the most points. The problem is, once one person falls, the entire hangman rocks and everyone else is thrown off balance. Mike works his muscles to keep himself and Coral the last RW team standing, but the Road Rulers prove to be the athletic stars of the show. The four longest-standing teams are RR: Maximum Velocity Tour, Australia, Season 2 and Semester at Sea.

    After the three top teams for each show are announced, they are told they must form "inner circles" and vote off one of the other teams from their own show. This proves to be a most difficult prospect as each group must decide whether to get rid of its strongest competition or eliminate the weakest teams. RW quickly decides that it's best to get rid of dead weight, and the deadest weight around is Beth S. Unfortunately that means nice guy Jon has to go as well. After all is said and done, the Real Worlders get together and form a pact, deciding that it really doesn’t matter who wins if they all decide to split the $300,000.

    Road Rules has a tougher time. Both Chadwick and Holly are in the inner circle, allowing their alliance to strengthen. The married couple pushes for getting rid of the greatest threat to the three top teams in RR: the fourth-place team, Yes and Veronica. When they reveal their selection to the rest of the group, the RR morale totally changes. The teams now feel that everyone is out for themselves and that they must watch their backs.

All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.

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