RR & RW Challenge Episodes

What I said | Jennifer said | Bunim/Murray said about this episode.

 scenes from this episode


1:Bungie Jump
    Mission Notes:
All 12 team members jumped. Kat was the only one to actually surpass the old world record of 650 feet...jumping 700 feet!
Jumps were interrupted on Day 1 for two reasons...the wind and the law. Lawyers from somewhere tried to prevent any more jumps...after a while, everything was worked out, but the delays prevented Teck, Veronica, and Kat from jumping.
Afterwards, both teams ate at the Stratosphere, in the restaurant 'Top O' the World.'

My comments:
Coming Soon

What Jennifer had to say about the episode:
   Well..the show was..well...interesting. There wasn't any drama and everyone seemed to be getting along fine.. for the time being, that is! Everyone on the show was getting to know each other. The first mission was to jump off the tallest building in north America which was----- I forgot the name...but anyway everyone seemed really brave. Then...it comes to piggy. Of course we should have know Piggy was going to be the one to chicken out with all that drama, but surprisingly she gets the courage to jump. So each team in the end gets 10,000 E*trade dollars. That was basically the whole show.

What Bunim/Murray had to say about the episode:
   The Lucky twelve RW/RR alumni are whisked through the air via helicopters. Removing their blindfolds, the disoriented bunch realizes that they are now in Las Vegas. As they eagerly meet and greet their fellow Challenge-mates, Gladys, a RR alumna and The Challenge 2000 Clue Mistress, welcomes them and explains the enticing e*trade incentive. Getting the Challenge underway, Bungee America is introduced and informs the gang of its first mission: to bungee jump from the massive Stratosphere Tower, David Volunteers to go first, and Yes is quickly at his heels - a good-natured rivalry already forming between the two competitors. The others are not quite as fearless. Piggy is particularly frightened, but all twelve kids eventually jump. Although every bungee seems remarkable, only Kat secures the world record for her nearly ground-kissing plunge. Each Team is rewarded with $10,000 towards its e*trade investments. But there are even more surprises in store for the Challenge-mates: The infamous Winnie has been replaced by two souped-up tour buses. Delighted, the kids check out their new rolling homes and bond as teams.

All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.

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