All Stars Challenge
 scenes from the show


4: Las Vegas Show

My comments:
    The score was tied 4 to 4 and Janet was up but she is feeling faint so they let her go back down and eventually allow her a chance to do it later. So when Janet came down the rest of Real World try to talk Beth and Montana to jump and they excuses why she would not. So next up was Kalle and she jumped, and unfortunately she did not get an ring. So next was Anne and she got a ring and puts Road Rules over the top with five points. So Janet started to feel better so she went back up to try to get at least one ring, and Beth says that if she goes Montana does also. So as a pro Janet jumps and does not get an ring. Then Real World group tries to get Beth or Montana to jump but both refuse to jump and everyone was a little upset, and Montana acts upset that Beth would not jump, which is stupid because she had a reason that she could not jump, but Montana had no excuse. So Road Rules ends up winning the mission. So they receive a big pack of cards with a tape inside telling them that they are going to Vegas for their next mission. When Real World gets out to the parking lot they find out that Betsy was replaced with a new Winnie.
    On the way to Vegas Real World talk about why the guys will not sleep with their friends because it would ruin their friendship, which might be the first thing that they have said that makes any sense. So when they get to Vegas they find out that they are going to compete against each other by creating a show and the best show wins. And they have 24 hours to come up with their show. That night after everyone got in their rooms everyone went out to go dancing and to bond with each other. The next morning everyone is out working on their shows and trying to get their costumes, and then Anne realized that the bus was unlocked and Real World went in and took the bear right under their busdriver’s nose and he did not even stop them.
    That night David warmed up the crowd and Road Rules was up first, and they do a review of some sorts, with Kefla doing James Brown, Michael Jackson, and Noah as Elvis. Then came on Real World and they did a Jerry Springer type talk show and the crowd loved it, and ended up winning, so they get a minute in the money chamber.

All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.

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