Season VI Episodes

What Alex said | Nicole said about this episode.

 scenes from the episode


2: Bed Race

My Sister Alex's comments:
   The group finds their next mission in a newspaper. They have to compete in Mammoth Lake Frontier Days bed races. Neil remarks that his group may not have the brute strength and agility, but they have the style. Real World discusses Beth’s role in the bed race and she suggests that she should ride on the bed. Then both groups decide that Bessie needs a new paint job so they give a coat of graffiti. Eventually all pitch in with their own sayings and tags.
   Natalie and Tony Casper greet the group and welcome them to Frontier Days. The team that wins 2 out of the three races gets the tour bus and 1 minute in the money chamber. They are told that a guy in town sells beds for 50 dollars. The groups then decide on themes- Road Rules decide on Bed Bugs and Real World decide on Village People. Janet is flirting with Jason , and she confesses that she admires for not being afraid of what people think of him. Kalle is confident that Road Rules will win because so many Real Worlders smoke cigarettes.
   Neil is a cowboy, Jason is a Indian, Montana a cop, Janet a soldier, Beth a construction worker, and Nathan is a firefighter. Real World sack the Bessie for bed materials, and Gavin Neil’s blow up sheep rides along. Road Rules decorate their bed with bugs and a snake, and Mark predicts that they are going to win.
   Later that night Janet and Jason have a deep philosophical discussion at the picnic table. Jason says that Janet is "highly smoochable", but he does not know how to approach her. Janet and Jason discuss love when they are brushing their teeth., and then Janet paints Jason’s finger nails. Also that night Montana sneaks over any steal Road Rules bear, but when she takes it back to Bessie she locks the door but not the window, so Noah goes in the window and steals the bear back. There is great angst over losing the bear. Kalle rides in Bessie so that she can talk to Nathan. They share their loss experiences- his Father and her Mother. Mark tries to lure Nathan over to their team. But Nathan just wants to spend time with Kalle.
   The day of the race Road Rules dresses up like Bugs: Noah- bee, Kalle- Butterfly, Anne- wasp, Kefla- a black and white bug, Roni- lady bug, and Mark- a weird bug. So when the race was run Road Rules won both races by a wide margin, even though they lost Roni during the second race. Neil says that they might have the brawn but they have the brains.
   Roni and Kefla are getting very close. Bessie has no air-conditioning, and on the way to Hollywood it reaches 105 degrees in Bessie. And also on the way Real World gets pulled over by a suspicious highway patrolman, and questions Bessie’s appearance. All checks out OK and lets them go. When Nathan tries to start Bessie, but she will not cooperate. So Beth uses the CB to call Road Rules, and they come back and gets them. Things are beginning to heat up between Nathan and Kalle.
   End: Jason and Montana making fun of the flat in Boston in a British accent, and Neil comes up and says that he does not think that it was funny.

What Nicole had to say about the episode: Coming Soon

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