All Star Episode

What I said | MTV said about this episode.

 Mr. Big


8: Improv Performers - Perform at the Groundlings’ comedy theater.
9: Record a Song- Record the title song that they had written.

My comments:
The Groundlings’ mission sure made the cast bond, too bad it could not come earlier.
The eye of the storm ended up being the Typhoon restaurant
Even tough all of my dislike of some of the cast members in the first couple of episodes things turned out well in the end.

What MTV had to say about the episode:


    Previously: Cynthia threatens to quit the show after being duped into munching on maggots. Puck's next clue spells curtains for the cast when he instructs them to get cooking with gas.
    It's our final episode of the All-Star season. Don't cry! Sean and Rachel wake in each other's arms on Beth's fold-out couch. Yes, they're sharing sheets. Less laundry that way. Sean rubs his eyes, asking Rachel, "did I get a boner?" When does he not... Cynthia is brushing her teeth, but not packing her bags. She confesses she has decided to stay, despite her fury over the bug cuisine.
    The Roadettes shower, shave, and pile into the Winnie. They cruise over to Melrose Avenue and can't help but gawk at the collection of outrageous specialty shops. Rachel whispers wistfully, "look at all these shoe stores." The Roadies search for the address listed on the clue, finally pulling up in front of a small theater. The marquee over the entrance reads, THE GROUNDLINGS. The travel-mates stroll inside where they are greeted by the mayor of the mission, MINDY. This spunky gal explains the next mission: perform improv comedy in front of a paying audience. Feeling funny, or just have a funny feeling?
    Mindy leads the Roadsters into the main theater, where they are greeted by a handful of friendly improv veterans. Mindy explains that most students at the theater must practice for years and years before they are allowed to perform before a live audience. She reminds the Roadies they will not have years to practice, merely four hours. Get cooking is right! As Mindy puts the Roadies through a series of hilarious and challenging exercises, the veterans offer encouragement and keep the ball rolling through example. Jon explains, "we're going to have to pull together and help each other out on stage."
    Later, Mindy explains that the key to improv is believing what you are saying and doing. She instructs Cynthia to give a speech on English literature. Just make it up, but believe it. Now Sean, give us a speech about porcelain dolls. Sean wows his cast-mates, explaining "I know I lot about porcelain dolls since I've had my own collection my whole life." Really? Now you're getting the hang of it... More skits. More scenes. More practice. Sean confesses, he's not nervous. He's frightened. There's a big difference.
    Show time! Eric is up first. He and a veteran perform a hilarious skit as gay lovers coming home from a Tupperware party. Now Jon is up. He tries to pick up a Swedish bombshell during his skit. His pickup line? Baby, God did a good job on you. Cynthia performs in a prison cell improv, explaining she found her boyfriend with another gal, "so I had to cut his ass!" These guys are really good! It's hilarious!
    Now the finale. It's time to play THE REALLY REAL WORLD. Sean, you will play Syrus. Cynthia, you will play Flora. Jon, you will play Dominic. Eric, you will play Kevin. And Rachel, you (of course) will play Puck. Ready... GO! Cynthia starts flashing her boobs, Eric explains the birth of racism, Rachel chants the bike messenger's mantra "two wheels good, four wheels bad," Jon smokes cigarettes like a bandit while wearing a black wig, and Sean is featuring his best jive-walk. The audience is crying with laughter.
    Backstage. Take a breather -- you did it! The audience loved it! Mission accomplished. Now it's out to the Winnie for another clue. Puck informs the Roadies that tomorrow they will record the theme song written in New Zealand. Loosen up those tonsils!
    The next morning, the Roadheads roll over to a plush recording studio in the heart of Hollywood. They are greeted by LARRY, the mayor of the mission. Larry explains that he is a record producer who has worked with Michael Jackson, Madonna, and Guns N' Roses. We're in good company. So let's get to work. Jon takes the mic first, strumming out the song on his guitar and laying down the main vocal tracks. Cynthia steps in for the second, double-time verse. You know, she has a really good voice. Rachel steps to the mic for her line. That sounded a little squeaky. Let's hear the playback. Rachel cringes when she hears her voice coming back, sans guitar. Let's try that again! Second time around, Rachel nails her note. Eric moseys to the mic and raps his lone line. Now Sean. But the problem is, Sean can't sing a lick. He tries eight or ten takes, but the boy is just tone deaf. Larry instructs Sean to let loose -- "grab your crotch if you want." Does that really make you sing better? Michael and Madonna do it. And Madonna doesn't even have a... well. Finally, Sean comes pretty close, doing a raw from-the-throat guttural growl, and Larry lets it slide. Sir mix-a-lot, and it's time for final playback. This sounds great! Mission accomplished. The Roadies roll to a fabulous night club to blow off some steam, and Sean and Rachel are grinding into each other before you can say boogie nights.
    Next AM, the Roadies find a final clue: claim your handsome reward in the eye of the storm. And there's more. You're moving to a beach front hotel. And you're not taking the Winnie. You're taking a limo! All pile into the black stretch and after a short ride, all check into their deluxe suite overlooking the warm Pacific. Back into the limo as the driver maneuvers the Roadies towards the eye of the storm. Is it a tornado? A hurricane? A typhoon? Sort of. It's Typhoon, the restaurant! The Roadies pull up a table and take a seat. So now what? I guess we wait. Look out the window, this restaurant overlooks the landing strip for the airport. And here comes a helicopter. It's touching down right in front of us. The door is opening, and it's... can it be? Yes! It's Puck! He's looking good, decked out in a suit, chomping a cigar, carrying a fierce metal briefcase.
    Puck (that's Mr. Big to you) breezes into the restaurant, offering Rachel a kiss hello. Cynthia is grinning from ear to ear and Sean is so excited he's laughing. Puck explains the final reward is in his briefcase. He hands the bag over, along with the key. And then as quickly as he came, Puck dashes back to the chopper and is whisked into the sky. What a life that guy has, huh? The Roadies crowd around the case as Jon releases the lock. It's ten days in Costa Rica for you and a friend! We need a vacation after this trip...
    Later, Sean and Rachel speak directly into the camera. They want everyone to know: we like each other. Like we couldn't figure that out. And here's our on-camera kiss. Voila.

All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.

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