All Star Episode

What I said | MTV said about this episode.

 That’s milk comes from?

All Stars Episode 2: SHEAR MADNESS

2: Sheep Shearing - Mostly the Guys so the Girls earned Mission 2.5
2.5: Milk Cows
3: Fly by Wire- cool fan driven plane supported by wires

My comments:
As soon as the cast land in New Zealand the start their partying, looks like this will be an exciting group.
And right from the start Sean and Rachel are hooking up.
It does not take long for this cast to get behind, by the second mission they are already late. And because of this they got their pay docked.
After the mission Eric announces that he will not have time for the rest of the cast after they get back to the States.
Later Eric states that he is on the trip for fun.
Because of Eric being distanced from rest of the cast Jon has to become the peacemaker.

What MTV had to say about the episode:


    Previously: After surviving a sleepless night in a haunted insane asylum, the ALL-STAR cast receives a clue that leaves them counting sheep in New Zealand.
    Ah, New Zealand. Miles of green, untamed pasture. Crystal clear ocean waters. It's simple. It's clean. It's fresh. And now, it's home for our Roadies! As our ALL-STAR cast piles off their jet plane, Sean reminds everyone he is ready to get busy with some local sheep. Not busy like that, but just friends. You know. Sheep are a very big deal in New Zealand.
    At the baggage claim, Rachel struggles to stay on her feet as her enormous backpack strains to pull her to the ground. Remember, she's still recovering from that car accident, and her legs are a little weak. In fact, Rachel still has a metal rod and some screws inside her leg. Flashback to the Road Rules Olympic Games. Noah asks Rachel, "what happened to the others involved in the accident?" Rachel quietly reveals, "they died." This is serious. Eric offers to carry Rachel's bags and she thinks he's a doll.
    Out to the sidewalk and the Winnie is waiting! As the Roadies stow their baggage, Eric discovers a clue taped to the driver's side window: "go to the city of Featherston and report for work on the Matthews' farm." The Roadies motor over to their new hotel, and before you can say "I need a softer pillow," Sean and Rachel are in the hotel bar, sipping beers. Sean is cracking a few jokes and Rachel is laughing flirtatiously at everything he says. If you were doubting an attraction existed, you've lost your bet. These two dig each other!
    Sean drags Rachel out of the bar for a little stroll through town. The lovebirds spot a Peep Show boutique and slip inside. Eric privately explains that Rachel tries to play the "good girl," but that's not the real story. Inside the house of Peeps, Rachel asks for the massage rate and wonders just what a "peep" includes. Sean suggests they buy some sex gel and take a private room. But they're just playing...
    The next morning, everyone is up bright and early, ready to get down on the farm. Yes, Sean and Rachel wake up at the hotel -- they did not spend the night at the Peep. Rachel takes her time getting dressed, and of course she looks fabulous. She's even wearing her high-heeled sandals. The boys are incredulous -- what the hell are you doing, we're going to be working on a farm! Hey, Rachel likes to look good no matter where she's going...
    Next stop: the local restaurant, where bellies get filled. The Roadies are still getting to know each other, so there's some pretty prying chit-chat going down. Rachel only-half-jokingly confesses that Eric finds her useless because she's not athletic and can't cook. Eric suggests Rachel become a professor "or something" and Rachel reveals that's just what she intends to do. The Roadies pile back into the Winnie for a breathtakingly gorgeous drive to the farm. More pristine green landscape. More clean, sharp mountains. When the Road Bums arrive at the farm, the Mayor of the mission is not happy -- you're an hour late!!
    The Mayor leads the Roadies over to a large corral filled with sheep. This is going to be shear pleasure. He explains, you're going to wrangle the sheep into the bar and give them a trim. The girls are not excited about the prospect of chasing sheep through mud, so the boys agree to handle the situation on their own. Sean decides he will work "the gate" (sheep pass through the gate and shuffle down a narrow passage and into the barn). Eric and Jon will chase the sheep towards the gate. No problem, right? Go! Well Eric and Jon are running around like chickens with their heads cut off and the sheep are slamming through the gate. Sean's losing control -- they're coming too fast! Rachel and Cynthia scream as Sean smashes the gate into the head of an unlucky sheep -- sorry about that.
    We're in the barn. Take these electric clippers, wrestle your sheep to the ground and get cutting. These sheep are big and strong -- we're not talking lambs, OK? Jon gets one of the animals on its back, but suddenly he's thrown to the floor by his bucking bronkette. Cynthia doesn't dare try the same technique, so a sympathetic farmer holds her sheep steady as she runs the clippers over its belly -- "I'm gonna break a nail!"
    Since the boyz did the majority of the sheepin' work, now it's the girls' turn to contribute. Got milk? Cynthia and Rachel pull on rubber gloves and boots as an enormous herd of cows are maneuvered into a circle -- the girls are inside the circle, surrounded by cow butts. I hate being the butt of a joke... Cynthia is freaking as Rachel attempts to fasten one of the mechanical suction hoses to a cow's teat. Suddenly, the cow lets go with a stream of urine and Cynthia is screaming her head off: "I'm surrounded by cow asses that could blow any minute!" The girls squeeze out a few hundred gallons, and the day of work is over. As the Mayor pays the Roadies a handsome day's wages, he explains he will be docking their pay -- remember, they were an hour late reporting to work.
    Now $2150 richer, the Road Bumps indulge in a hearty dinner at an exceptional eatery. The talk turns to The Real World -- how has it affected you? Cynthia explains it's impossible to forget the experience because she is stopped on the street every day. Eric confesses that everyone he meets wants to be his friend, but it's humanly impossible. Eric further explains that he probably won't keep in touch with the other cast members after the All-Star season is over – he just doesn't have the time. Rachel calls the Gym Rat on his arrogance, explaining that she will be investing a lot less in Eric. I'd like to close this account...
    The next morning, the Road Hogs receive a clue advising all to "strap yourself in for a wild ride." A half-hour drive leads the cast up into a chilly mountain pass. There they witness a small, narrow rocket zipping between the hills. It's a one-passenger deal. You've heard of bicycle built for two -- this is rocket built for one. Cynthia is first up. She lies down on her belly and the technicians strap her in. And she's off! The freedom and weightlessness of the rocket allows the Roadies a moment of reflective revelation. Jon realizes that Eric is distancing himself from the others and that it will be Jon's job to keep the cast together. Sean realizes he wants a relationship with Rachel. Rachel confesses that there are many reasons she shouldn't be with Sean, but every day he gives her another reason to stick with him. The air is filled with tension and love -- and a helluva fun rocket!

All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.

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