All Star Episode

What I said | MTV said about this episode.


All Stars Episode One: FIVE EASY PIECES

0: (seen on Season V’s finale) Road Rules Games - barely lose
1: Prove existence of ghosts - stay the night in a haunted mental hospital and take pictures of ghosts.

My comments:
I believe that Puck will make the cast members bond together to face what ever Puck throws at them
My first impressions of the new cast: Eric- as cocky as usual, Jon- shows a great Christian influence, Rachel- great to see her out after the accident, Cynthia- happy and looking forward to the adventure, and Sean- seems a little scared of the fact that he does not know any of these people.
The show has a break in which the Road Rules games takes place and then starts back up with the new mission
On the ghost mission the girls show a fear of the mission and the boys decide that they will play on their fears by playing pranks and acting stupid.
I personally feel that the mission was stupid and that they did not find anything worth while, I did like the fact that the guys proved the psychics wrong

What MTV had to say about the episode:


    You've begged. I would give anything if you would combine The Real World and Road Rules! You've pleaded. Could you please send the cast of The Real World on the road? You've threatened! Damn it, I said put those punks on the road! Today your dream is no longer a dream. What happens when your favorite roomies from The Real World are thrown into the Winnie for a Road Rules adventure? The Real World All-Stars Special, that's what!
    A sleek, modern train slices through green countryside. There's a sense of glamour and impending drama in the air. No, it's not Murder on the Orient Express. It's ERIC from The Real World - New York, kicking it on an Amtrak! He's alone in the observation car. But not for long! The train whispers to a halt at a lonely station and a cowboy hat comes thumping down the aisle towards Eric. You know it can only be JON from The Real World - Los Angeles. The boyz hug and hit the small talk. What's new, brother? Jon is still shopping for a record deal, but hasn't had any luck. And Eric? He just landed a record deal! Ah, irony. But Eric can't even sing. Like I said - Ah, irony.
    Next stop, RACHEL! You remember her. The dark-haired glamour-girl from the San Francisco season. The boyz help Rachel on board, heaving her heavy bags. Rachel explains she was recently in a car accident and these Road Rules backpacks are a little much for her to handle. Rachel shows them a scar from the terrible car accident that happened two years ago, assuring the boys she's much better.
    Next stop, CYNTHIA! Remember the nails? Like buttah! Cynthia climbs onto the train. Within minutes she's revealing that since leaving the Miami house, she's become a travel agent for pets. Next stop, SEAN! Who could forget the lumberjack hunk from The Real World - Boston? Sean settles in next to Rachel and the sparks are already igniting. Here, sit next to me, Rachel...
    The Roadies de-train in Lake Placid. A clue is waiting -- it's a letter from the desk of MR. BIG. Just who is this Mr. Big? No one seems to know. What's the letter say? Turn in your cash and credit cards. Throw out your rules. You know the drill! The Roadies are delivered to the Swiss Acres motel and all immediately hit the sack. Snore...
    Next morning, next clue. A cassette tape is delivered to the hotel room. Sean hits play on the tape deck. Silence, then a filthy belch. What kind of clue is that? Wait, a filthy belch... that could only mean one thing. PUCK! That's right, Puck's raspy voice crackles from the tape player as this most infamous of Real Worlders explains he will not be on the trip, he will be controlling the trip! Puck is calling the shots, sending the Roadies where his whim warrants. Rachel gulps. Don't forget, once upon a time Rachel and Puck kissed... Sean and Rachel sneak away for a little private breakfast. Everything out of Sean's mouth sounds like flirting. But that's just Sean. Lumber-punk privately confesses that he's a bit worried that Rachel will think he just wants to "touch her little boobies." Sean, are you saying that is not the case? Come on...
    A freshly scrubbed Winnie is waiting in the motel parking lot, and all climb on board. Another cassette tape. Sean slams it into the dash. The voice of Puck. What a way to start the day. Bike-brat instructs the Roadums to travel to Monroe, Connecticut and visit the PARANORMALOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE. Who you gonna call!? At the institute, the quivering Roadies are greeted by an elderly couple, ED and LORAINE. The seniors detail the first mission: spend the night in a haunted mental hospital and document paranormal activity. Loraine reminds the Roadies to take lots of photos – the camera captures images unseen by the human eye. It's hard for the eyes to see when they're closed in fright...
    The Roadies motor over to the hospital. It's a quiet, foreboding old building that, no joke, resembles the Amityville Horror house. First stop, the morgue. Ed and Loraine are waiting, along with a dozen psychics. Ed reminds the cast, "to protect yourself make the sign of the cross and tell the apparition 'go back where you came from.'" You really think that's gonna work, Ed? Didn't you see the movie Poltergeist? Those ghosts listen to no one! Eric defiantly challenges the sprits to a duel -- "I want you to enter me!" What a proposition. Now spread out!
    The Roadies tiptoe through the hospital, searching for spooks. What's that sound? Is someone following us? Dark hallways and damp corridors only add to the mounting tension. What's that light up ahead? Now it's gone! Was that ghost? Rachel claims she's felt a temperature change -- a sure sign of ghoul presence if ever there was one. Cynthia and Rachel return to the morgue – that seems to be the safest place to be, believe it or not. The boyz continue to search.
    Now Sean has an idea. Oh, he's crafty. Jon, you go get the girls, tell them you've seen a ghost. Eric and I will hide behind this door and scare the s*** out of them. Jon retrieves the ladies and leads them slowly down the hallway. What's that up ahead? Cynthia will have none of it -- she's not going any further. Baby, if you won't come to the spooks, the spooks will come to you! The door flies open as Sean and Eric leap and scream at their pray. Breathe, Cynthia, breathe!
    Well, it's 3:30 a.m. and there hasn't yet been a sign of an authentic monster. Jon breaks out his guitar and tries to entertain the tense troops. Before you can sing two rounds of "A Hundred Bottles of Beer on the Wall," the boyz have stripped down to their underwear and are running around like possessed demons! The Exorcist has nothing on these guys.
    At six in the morning, the rising sun heralds the arrival of Ed and Loraine Warren, ghost-busters extraordinaire. The couple escorts the cast to the safety of their dining room, where a lavish breakfast awaits. The photos have been developed, so let's take a look. Loraine riffles through the deck of snapshots, until her gaze falls upon a strange, wispy image. What is it, you ask? It's psychic energy, of course! Mission accomplished! One down, who knows how many to go! The Roadies breathe a sigh of relief as they crawl into the Winnie, where another tape from Puck is waiting. "Eric, you mama's boy, why not go visit her!"
    The Roadies roll to Eric's mom's place in New Jersey, where she's got dinner in the oven. Why don't you kids serve yourselves. The Roadies open the oven, only to find another tape recorder and clue. Puck instructs the Rulers to hop a plane to New Zealand! This is getting fabulous...

All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.

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