Season 9 Episodes

What I said | Bunim/Murray said | MTV said about this episode.

 scenes from this episode


5: Become a Fugitive

My comments:
   The show starts with Kathryn and Laterrian hitting on each other. When they get to their hotel that night they receive their next clue from Road Master telling them that they will have a problem with authority. At 6:30 a.m. the next morning the police wake up the group and arrest them and took them into the jailhouse to get booked. When they are finished getting booked they are put in orange jumpsuits and chains and driven into the woods.
    When they get to the woods everyone is chained in pairs. Then they are told that they have to make it to a checkpoint with out being caught in order to win the mission. Each group is given a five-minute head start. Right off the bat James and Holly get smart and break the ties that are holding each other's legs together so that they can move faster. James and Holly are the first to be caught. Theo and Msaada makes almost to the goal but get caught just before they get there. Laterrian and Holly get caught when they tried to remove their jump suites. The group has lost its first mission and it is hard for them to take.

What Bunim Murray had to say about the episode:
   The Road Rulers head Bogart, Georgia and find themselves on the run from the law. They are told that they have to go through the unforgiving Georgia Forest, shackled to each other with the goal of avoiding being captured. If they make it to their destination they win the mission. If they don't, they fail and won't receive the six G's. With helicopters, dogs and several Police Officers chasing them...winning proves impossible.
   Meanwhile, Laterrian and Kathryn seem to be developing a little more than a platonic relationship. Kathryn is still trying to stay committed to her boyfriend at home, Reed, but everyone seems to notice that something is going on between the two. Will they or won't they? Only they seem to know.

What MTV had to say about the episode:
   The Road Rulers wake up at 6:30 a.m. to find several policemen knocking at their door motor home and instructing them to get dressed and exit the motor home immediately.
   The mission requires that the Road Rulers act as escaped fugitives while being followed by policemen and police dogs.
   The objective is for one team out of three to reach the watchtower without being caught. Holly and James are the first ones to be stopped by the police.
   Theo and Msaada are the next to get caught next as they try to make a run for the tower.
   Laterrian and Kathryn try to decrease their chances of being caught by cutting off their bright orange outfits. They do get caught, though, resulting in the first unsuccessful mission for the Road Rules team.

All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.

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