Season 8 Episodes

What I said | Bunim-Murray said about this episode.

Scenes from this episodes


10: "Day in the life of Vietnam" Race

My comments:
    As the episode starts we find out that Shawn has a new girlfriend called LaToya. Shawn tells LaToya that he really does want comment to a relationship right then, but LaToya thinks that they are boyfriend and girlfriend. When Shawn finds out what she thinks, he goes and tells her that he thinks that they should not go by titles because that means commitment. She agrees but is not happy.
    When the boat pulls into Vietnam the ship runs into and sinks a rice boat (not shown but pics above show the boat going down). When they get off of the ship they find out that they need to split up into three teams and compete against each other. The teams are: Veronica & Yes, Pua & Shawn, Ayanna & Pawel. The first leg of the race each group have to carry a basket of fruit to a canoe at they dock and then row the canoe with the fruit to the dock. Once they got to the dock each group has to then carry the fruit on a bike with both people on the bike to the finish line. Yes & Veronica come in first and Ayanna & Pawel come in last, but they come in on a motorbike because their bike’s tire bent in half. The second leg of the race is that each group has to going shopping for animal parts for their dinner. Some of the things that they had to buy was: Chicken feet and heads, crabs, frogs, catfish. And Veronica & Yes win that race too. The last leg of the race was eating the food that they bought, and everyone ate the food, which was disgusting to watch. When it was over Yes & Veronica won some cool handmade chessboards and pieces.

What Bunim-Murray had to say about the episode:
    Lace up those tennies, because it's race time! After disembarking in Vietnam, the gang scurries to face a challenging three-part mission. During the first leg of the competition, the Roadies must carry baskets of fruit across a countryside course.
    Easy, you say? Think again. Transporting a twenty-pound load over a flimsy footbridge, across a murky river and through a bustling street is no simple task - especially when you're relying on antiquated bicycles, wobbly canoes and an equally-exhausted teammate to get you there.
    With some good-natured rivalry, the Road Rulers quickly pair up and speed off. Teamwork spells victory for Yes and Veronica, who are the first duo to cross the finish line. Round two calls for a unique shopping trip through an authentic open-air market. Putting their queasiness at bay, the troopers dutifully check the required chicken heads, pig tails and frog legs off their lists. But the fun's not over yet. The kids soon learn that they must not only fork over their groceries but fork them down as well. After a stomach-churning meal, Yes and Veronica are finally crowned the winners for successfully swallowing their uneasiness and their dinner.
    Unfortunately, Shawn leaves with both a mild bellyache and a major heartache. After hooking up with a compatible co-ed aboard the ship, he realizes that the romance is at a crossroads. Should he make a commitment to his new love or break it off? Declaring that long-distance relationships will most-assuredly fail, Shawn chooses his logic over his emotions and regretfully buries the budding relationship at sea.

All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.

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