Season 8 Episodes

What I said | Bunim-Murray said about this episode.

807: Hot Voodoo


My comments:
   The episode starts out with Veronica dropping a piece of paper that belonged to Ayanna and Ayanna throws a book and hits Pua. This makes Ayanna upset and tells Veronica to watch it. Later on Pua comes into the room and find matches on the bed and on the steps, this freaks out Pua and shows it to everyone else, when Ayanna comes in Pua tells her that Veronica said that she was a Voodoo witch and this makes Ayanna even more upset. And later on the group is talking about it all that is happening, and Veronica confronts her about the Voodoo acts and when Ayanna tries to explain that it was incense for aromotherapy and the more that she tries to explain this the more that they group starts to turn on her. the episode ends with almost a fight between Pua and Ayanna.

What Bunim-Murray had to say about the episode:
   The question is, does Ayanna practice Voodoo or not? That's what the rest of the Road Rulers want to find out after coming back to the room and finding powder sprinkled all over her bed along 3 neatly placed matches that supposedly represented Veronica, Pua, and their friend Annie. "Its your last chance," warns Ayanna to the 3 girls. Finally, the cast has it out in a group confrontation or shall we say Ayanna versus everyone else. (Talk about being the scapegoat) She's certainly up against some stiff competition. Find out what happens in this two-part episode next week.

All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.

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