Season 8 Episodes

What I said | Bunim-Murray said | MTV said about this episode.

Scenes from this episodes


3:Off to the Circus

My comments:
Now the mission this time was awesome!!!!!! I really think that this season will do a lot better than the last one.
I can not believe that they let Veronica skip out on the mission like that, I would have took a way her handsome reward right then.

What Bunim-Murray had to say about the episode:
    Where's the bond? And we're not talking about James Bond. Shawn, Veronica, and Pua openly discuss how this group hasn't made an effort to get to know each other. The point is proven further when Ayanna avoids their conversation by fleeing the scene. The six Road Rulers have already begun to establish separate social circles. Oy!!
   This season the Road Rulers must face the biggest challenge of all; school. Yes is admittedly having trouble getting himself to class. The social atmosphere is a little too enticing and staying up till the sun rises every morning doesn't allow him enough time to sleep and god forbid get to class. We all know how it is; it's tough. Unfortunately for Yes, his roommates aren't that understanding of his party lifestyle, especially when he decides to bring the party back to the cabin. As Yes defines it, "Its the perfect party pad".
   When the next day rolls around Ayanna and Shawn have a few words for the Yes man. However, this time its no's all around. Ayanna lets Yes have it telling him how disrespectful he was by allowing people to lay all over her stuff and smoke in the room. Eventually Yes gives in and offers his apologies to Ayanna which she is unwilling to accept because she feels he doesn't mean it. We'll see how long it takes before the administration has a few words with him about his lack of attendance.
   The casts next stop is Brazil. Their mission: to get suited up in tights and perform in the Project Axe' circus. If they succeed Apple will donate 2 brand new computers to the needing program.. Project Axe' is an outreach program that tries to make a better life for the street kids of Brazil. Its too bad for the circus that Pua and Veronica are hung over when they arrive. It certainly doesn't look promising for these young children to get the computers that they so desperately need. Marcus, the head of the Axe' program speaks to Veronica and Pua to try and motivate them to get off their keester and participate in the mission.
   Pua realizes that her attitude will not help anyone which goes against everything she believes. Immediately her guilt drives her to kick into gear, but poor Veronica just isn't up for the challenge. Yes sums it up for us, "I think she's a wimp." Nevertheless, in show business, the show must go on, with or without Veronica; and it does. Meanwhile, Veronica cools her heels on the sidelines while watching her fellow Road Rulers enjoy the the spirit of the mission. In the end, the Road Rulers put on a kick ass show and the Project Axe' gets their computers. WHAT'S UP NOW?

What MTV had to say about the episode:

Coming Soon

All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.

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