Season 8 Episodes

What I said | Bunim-Murray said | MTV said about this episode.

Scenes from this episodes


1: Sky-jump to an island
2: Defeat Cuban Baseball Players

My comments:
From the beginning of this Season it looks like this will be one of the best.
I am not sure what I think of the ability of the cast members to spend a lot of time away from the other members. I think that it will affect the ability of the group to bond.
I really enjoyed the ballgame. It really made the group realize that they are a group not individuals

What Bunim-Murray had to say about the episode:
    The missions begin. The Road Rulers receive their first clue from their homes via telephone. They are told to meet at Million Air airport in Nassau, Bahamas. Anticipation is high as the six wonder what's in store for them.
   The cast arrive at the airport and as is tradition someone has been sent to collect the Road Ruler's cash and credit cards. Larry from Halo Holdings is the man who has been appointed the task. After gathering their valuables he takes them right into their first mission. Larry explains that he must get the cast to a small island called Sandy Cay. The only problem is there is no runway, so the cast must skydive. Everyone screams, but Ayanna freaks. Ayanna drops to her knees, laughing and overwhelmed with emotion.
   The kids stride onto the runway and climb into the plane. The plane rises into the air. Its time. Pua starts to sing Amazing Grace as Ayanna prays. They make their way to the edge of the plane and one by one they take the plunge. Upon reaching the ground the cast hike along the shore until they discover their next clue. "Your mission is to build a raft and make your way to the lost village of paradise, Club Med." The six get down to business getting their boat built and setting up camp for the night on this deserted island. Early the next morning the cast sets sail for Paradise Island where their reward awaits them.
   The day has come, the Road Rulers head for a 21,000 ton ship known as the SS Universe Explorer. Once they arrive they find their next clue waiting in their cabin. "Playball!" The cast goes up against some of Cuba's best in a hardcore game of softball. Hardcore for the Cubans. The Road Rulers find themselves struggling to catch a ball as they gracefully lose the game, 18-1. Ouch!
   From the very start it becomes apparent that Ayanna and Veronica are having the most trouble getting along. Both are extremely strong-minded girls who come from two completely different backgrounds. Veronica isolates herself from the rest of the group and finds comfort basking in the attention she receives from the guys on the ship. Ayanna confesses to Pua early on that she doesn't want to get caught up in the drama, but she's been known to do it in the past.
   At one point we find Veronica standing alone, pensively staring at the Havana shoreline. In just a few hours Veronica will come face to face with family she has never known. Ayanna spots Veronica and motions her over to stand next to her. Ayanna begins to speak in broken Spanish. (Translated) "I hope that all the dreams of your grandfathers, parents, and your own dreams come true today."
   The Road Rulers pull up in front of a modest Cuban home belonging to Veronica's relatives. Veronica holds her breath as she is introduced to the family. In the embrace of her grandmother's arms Veronica's long imprisoned emotions break loose. While Veronica is lost in the moment the rest of the Road Rulers can see that her presence has enabled her family to close a painful chapter in their life and begin to heal the wounds that have been left open for more than twenty years.

What MTV had to say about the episode:

Coming Soon

All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.

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