Season VI Episodes

What I said | MTV said about this episode.



10: Surviving a Haunted Hotel

My comments:
If I was Piggy I would have had the show's insurance pay for the accident
End: The group riding camels and making camel jokes

What MTV had to say about the episode:

    PREVIOUSLY ON: Susie gets a tattoo and lets her behavior veer toward mischievous as she rolls along the downward spiral. Piggy manages to get an Australian driver's license. I wonder which of these occurrences is more dangerous...
    "I don't know what got into Susie, but I kind of like it," remarks Piggy as the cast takes turns inspecting her new tattoo. After arriving at the hostel, Piggy and Susie take the Winnie for some gas while the others stay behind to chow down on free barbecue. Parking in front of a gas station, they're informed that they're going to have to wait about twenty minutes until the truck in front of them is done filling up. No problem, we'll just back the Winnie up and wait at the --- BANG! That sounded a lot like the Winnie backing into a car. Showcasing her grasp of the English language, Piggy blurts out, "Oh f--k, f--k, f--k, f--k."
    Exiting the Winnie, they discover the damage: a busted tail-light on someone's car. They find out that the owner of the vehicle works at the hospital across the street. Susie talks to the woman on the phone, retrieving all the necessary info. Susie then tells Piggy the owner wants them to get an estimate themselves since "She doesn't want to go through the hassle of insurance." Back at the hostel, the others are incredulous that Piggy managed to hit a PARKED car. But why should Piggy have to pay for a new light when she can just steal one? Sneaking out into the night, Susie actually attempts to pry off someone else's light. Someone get control of that girl...
    The following morning, Piggy's in pains about having to meet with the woman. You deal with that, we'll worry about the next clue! Off to the Park Motel for the night. What's so special about the Park Motel? You mean beside the tortured ghost that roams its halls every night? The cast checks in and immediately hears the terrifying tale of Clancy: the young lady who took her own life in the motel over a hundred years ago. And we're going to stay here?!
    A tour of the motel ensues. First stop: the room in which Clancy committed suicide. The cast gets to draw straws to determine which brave souls will spend the night in the infamous bed. Christina and Chad come up short, winning a spot in the haunted room while the others are assigned to stay downstairs. More instructions about the specter follows. Seems if Clancy doesn't take a liking to you, she'll let you know in the form of some old fashioned terrorizing. Oh…great.
    Slowly, the Rulers become a bit uneasy at the thought of spending the night at the Park Motel. Can't we just sleep in the Winnie? With the motel alarm scheduled to be activated at midnight, the group settles in. Kefla wants no part of meeting a ghost, "I've seen enough haunted movies to always know that the black guy lasts three minutes. I'm not going to be the guy to try to prove it wrong."
    As darkness falls, profanity spews out of Susie's mouth, a moment that's held in awe by the others. They're amazed at the emphatic inflection that was utilized in saying the word. Down, down, down she goes. Gently down the spiral. Later on, Chad decides to tape up the staircase windows. The manager told them that Clancy will always open those windows at night because she hates them shut. The Rulers also leave out a tube of toothpaste for the ghost. Shayne says, "Just another thing in case we needed some more proof."
    MIDNIGHT. Time to lock up. Now…it's just a matter of waiting. ONE O'CLOCK -- Shayne and Chad creep around the second floor to check the windows. They end up hearing some noises from the first floor. Upon hearing the supernatural news, Christina's fear rises a few notches. TWO O'CLOCK -- Chad, Christina, Susie, and Shayne decide to venture outside the room. Christina sees it first…the window is open and the toothpaste has vanished! You don't mean? That's right. We're being haunted by a claustrophobic ghost with clean teeth. Nooooooo!
    Morning mercifully arrives. The missing toothpaste tube is discovered on the street, its contents squeezed everywhere. Susie tries to piece the mystery together, "Who could get downstairs in the middle of the night with the alarm set? If it was a person, the alarm could've gone off." After hearing their story, the manager remarks, "You've had an experience. You've met someone who's a bit supernatural."
    Back at the hostel, Piggy receives the estimate for the car she hit - $320. A figure that doesn't ease Piggy's stress. She meets the owner of the car and pays her the money. The woman is grateful, but Piggy is broke. "I have forty dollars left, and I'm completely screwed…I don't know how I'm going to get through this trip."

All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.

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