Season VI Episodes

What I said | MTV said about this episode.

 Bay Watch Susie


Splash Test Dummies

My comments:
Christina and Piggy need to learn that the trip is not about competing with each other but to have fun as a group.
There was too things that were awesome in this episode: Christina finally won a contest and Piggy and Christina are finally getting along.
It was nice to see Piggy able to drive now, finally a real driver.

What MTV had to say about the episode:

   The group does a little Dolphin feeding. Christina even says goodbye to them in dolphin-speak. Something I won't even attempt to quote. On the ferry back, Piggy leans on the railing alone. Seems her biggest problem is with Christina. "She trivializes things that I've said. It makes me feel sad." Christina and Susie have a tough time dealing with the Piggy situation. After all, they both like her.
   Later on at a restaurant, a waitress serves up the next clue. Was that on the menu? Part of the clue states, "It's so dark outside you might as well be blind." Luckily, inside the box are Zippo lighters, each equipped with a mini-flashlight. I guess smokers tend to get lost. Outside, they locate an audio cassette. Playing it reveals they're going to be "splash test dummies". In other words... lifeguards! Time for a little mouth-to-mouth.
   Sounds cool, but that's tomorrow. We've still got the night to dance away! The Rulers visit a club where a youth-challenged woman hits on Kefla. His opinion of his ancient admirer? "She is so old that I'm pretty sure if I look in her class yearbook, I'd see George Washington sitting right next to her." The next morning, Piggy bemoans her conflict with Christina. She also rejects the idea of a group meeting, stating that's what Americans do. Susie warns her, "You can't spend four more weeks like this."
    Arriving at Marcoola Beach, the Rulers step straight into the middle of a Life Saving Competition for lifeguards. After slipping into their bathing suits, they learn that they're going to be the "victims" for the lifeguards to practice on, or "dummies for money" as Chad puts it. Piggy and Susie find their attention drawn to the nearly-naked men who occupy the beach. Concentrate girls...
    Kefla and Christina are the first lucky victims of the day. After a bumpy ride into the ocean, they're promptly dropped overboard. Traveling via raft, lifeguards swoop up Christina. And now it's time for some of that CPR! Aw shucks, it turns out to be only play CPR which she says is a "relief".
    But aren't we forgetting something? Hmm…got the sun tan lotion. Got the towels. What could it – oh yeah, KEFLA! He's still in the ocean! The raft races out to him and picks him up. It's CPR time again. Kefla does a convincing job playing like he's unconscious. He is playing, isn't he? The guards then "revive" him. Alive and well, Kefla is quick to point out, "I was out there too damn long. I just want you to know that!"
    And now it's Piggy turn. To be rescued by a raft? Nope. Try a helicopter! She's air lifted from the sea in close proximity to the guard. "We could be having sex. That's how close we are." There's a new drink idea: Sex ABOVE the Beach. Next up: the board races. Two person teams. One person is stranded while the other swims out with a board for the rescue. Chad and Susie go first and kick major butt. Shayne and Christina are next and manage to take over first place. Will Christina finally win a mission? The last team will decide: Piggy and Kefla. Their performance is, well…a disaster. They flip over twice. Christina finally won!!! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
    They walk and arrive at an amazing house where they'll be staying. Chad regards it as heaven. Christina falls back into the "Piggy Problem". It's time for a chat. That night, Piggy tells Christina, "You're a bitch." Probably not the best way to begin peace talks. They go at it. Who's right? Who's wrong? Who can say? Piggy mentions that Kefla is regarded as the outsider because he's black, but SHE feels like an outsider because she's not an American. They decide to call a truce. From now on, they'll tell each other when they're mad. Give Peace a Chance!
   On the Winnie, they discover a ticket, their next clue: "This little piggy went to market. This little piggy stayed home. Our little Piggy has driving school…" Ha! Time for Piggy to try and pass the test again. The following morning, they leave "Thank You" cards for their host and depart to the driving school. On the way, Chad coaches Piggy in the finer points of Winnie maneuvering . The test begins and for a while things look bleak; sudden stops, honking horns. She recovers, but is it enough to pass? YES! Piggy gets a license. But uh... the Winnie is insured, right?

All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.

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