Season VI Episodes

What I said | MTV said about this episode.

 Treasure Hunting


1: Cliff Diving
2: Frocks on the Rocks

My comments:
Strange that Christina and Piggy had the same swimsuit.
Piggy was awesome being the only girl to jump off of the 45 foot cliff, she deserved the MVP status that they guys gave her.
For having so much trouble with the drag queen mission Kelfa enjoyed it too much.
It is cool seeing Chad and Pigy falling in love.
The end segment was Kefla dancing around in drag and enjoying it.

What MTV had to say about the episode:

    Meet SUZIE, 18, from Pittsburgh, as she stands alone on a narrow bridge that overlooks a gorgeous waterfall on the island of Maui - that's Hawaii, you know. She's a blond cutie, and she's waiting to meet her travel mates. Speak of the devil. Here comes SHAYNE, 22, from Canada. He gets an eyeful of sweet Sue and privately confesses, "My hormones are in full gear!" Now PIGGY, 25, from England you know lovie, strolls up with her backpack. She's got a wild mane of curly-cue hair and explains that her father named her Piggy because she popped out of the womb all pink and squealing like a pig. Isn't that… cute. And here comes KEEFLA, 23, a handsome African-American joker. Hello, CHRISTINA! She's 21, and an introspective hipster from LA. Five down, one to go. And here he is! Roadie number six is CHADWICK, 24, from Colorado. He's a hunk of hunkiness. Now look - here come Dan and Tara - from the Northern Trail! You know what that's all about. Dan and Tara collect all the cash from the new crew and explain the first mission: cliff diving for cash. Jeronimo…
    The new Roadies slip into their bathing suits and hike to the top of a 25 foot high cliff. Suzie is the first to throw caution to the wind as she hurls herself off the mountain, splashing into the chilly water far below. The dudes are shocked by her daring and bravery. Hey man, she's a kewl chick… Shayne, Chad, Christina, and Keelfa all take the plunge, but Piggy is freaking out - she just can't bring herself to jump. Finally, she closes her eyes and the next thing you know she's in the air. Nice job, babe!
    Tara and Dan hand over the promised cash - five bucks. Five bucks?! That's it?! That's right. Dan explains, if you want more money, take the 35 foot jump. Oh, is that how it works? The road-mates hike up to the 35 foot drop. Suzie again leaps first, just barely missing the jagged rocks far below. This is getting serious. The boys leap without looking, leaving Piggy and Christina gulping fear. The girls join hands and leap together - very Thelma and Louise. Collect your cash, kids! Tara hands out some more money, but it's still not enough. Dan explains, whoever takes the 45 foot jump will receive this magic box - and the special prize inside. Chad and Shayne offer to do the dirty work, but Piggy refuses to be left behind. The three hike up to the 45 foot drop. Don't look down…
    Piggy places her toes on the edge of the mossy rock - look at that blue water churning down below. Just do it! Piggy is gone, screaming her head off as she flies through the air. Splash! She's safe. Chad does a nice needle dive and Shayne does this arm-flailing-out-of-control thing, very funny.
    Back on dry land, Dan hands the magic box over to Piggy. There's and extra $300! You'll need that. Tara hands over a treasure map, instructing the Roadies to hit the beach to search for their buried treasure. When the Roadies arrive on the sand, the local lifeguards supply them with metal detectors. After literally hours of scrutinizing the map and searching the sand, the Roadies finally dig out a package and a tape - the first clue. Hurry up and unwrap that parcel! Hey, we've got passports! And… plane tickets to Sydney Australia! Good day, mate!
    The Roadies hike to the airport, their backs loaded with their heavy packs. While waiting for their flight at the gate, Piggy pulls Christina aside for a quick confession - I think Chad is really cute and I know I'm going to get stupid and try to impress him. Christina advises, "just be yourself." Piggy continues, explaining that she recently broke up with her boyfriend of two years - he was cheating on le pig. Meanwhile, a few feet away, Chad in confessing to Suzie - I was in love with my girlfriend Skye, but she was cheating on me with her ex-boyfriend. Your flight is now boarding! As the Roadies pile onto the big bird and stow their baggage, Piggy complains quietly, "I wanted to sit next to Chad." Romance is already sparking…
    Our lucky bunch lands in balmy Sydney, Australia. It's so beautiful! And so unlike anywhere else. Even the air smells different. The Roadies check into their nice, clean youth hostel, where they are informed that they will be attending a SUPERJESUS concert later in the evening. Kewl!! So get grooming…
    After the evening's concert (it was a kewl show by the way), the Roadies press backstage to meet the band. They're kewl guys all around and the lead singer hands over the next clue: Go to the Stonewall hotel when you'll learn just who wears the pants in the family when you learn to shake your booty. Wait a minute. Stonewall? Isn't that the name of the bar where the gay rights movement was christened? I think so…
    The Roadies roll over to the Stonewall where they are greeted by a seven foot tall drag queen. Can you believe there is actually a man under there somewhere? It's mind boggling. Our diva explains the next mission: you will split into two teams and perform a drag review. The winner of this heat will perform in Sydney's FROCKS ON THE ROCKS gala - in front of 10,000 people! Can you say, Pricilla Queen of the Desert?! The boys are a little nervous about the prospect - especially Keefla. It's time to bend that gender! Chad confesses, "I have no experience with gay culture. And Suzie explains, "I've never been there!" Well buckle up, because there's not turning back now… The Roadies stroll over to a local costume house, shopping for those new FROCKS. While trying on a glittery jumpsuit, Keefla confesses, "I don't want to do this too well, because then the guys will be asking for my phone number." You think you're that good, huh Keefla? Shayne has found a fab outfit and wig, but no shoes - his feet are just too big. This is a problem. Chad confesses, "I'm not feeling comfortable inside right now." Back at the hostel, Piggy privately confesses that her attraction to Chad is quickly evaporating. "He thinks he's better than the rest of us because he is so talented in so many areas. I thought he was cool at first, but not any more." Harsh! Give a guy a chance. Piggy is folding her clean laundry and trying to ignore Chad. She condescendingly advises him, "why don't you do a back flip right out that door." Chad stands and executes a perfect backflip. So there! Piggy fires off another command, "why don't you go play the guitar." Of course, Chad just happens to be an excellent musician. But he's not falling for Miss Piggy's game - "I have nothing to prove to you." Chad challenges Piggy to speak her mind and confront him - let's get it all out in the open so we can put it behind us and move forward as friends. Piggy refuses, reminding Chad that, in her opinion, he has become and ***hole. Piggy can't take the tension in the room, so she darts away.
    In the lobby of the hotel, Piggy sucks on a cigarette as Suzie begs for a complete report of the argument. Piggy confesses to Suzie, I was a little hard on him - maybe I should say sorry. But just then, Chad arrives in the lobby - "Piggy, we have to talk about this!" Piggy explains that she is too upset to have a discussion. She asks Chad to come back later, when she's got her head together. Chad exits, only to return a moment later - his guitar slung around his neck! He's wooing her! He's crooning to her, "we're friends forever more." If it wasn't so surreal, I'd say it was romantic. Chad explains, "this song is my friendship bonding moment with you!" Piggy is mortified and runs for the elevator. Can't blame the guy for trying…
    The next morning, the Roadies roll out of bed with the big competition on their minds. Chad let's the others know, "my brother now thinks I'm gay because I'm doing this mission." But Christina assures the jock, "you're not homosexual just because you play with them." So it's off to the competition. Back in a conference room at the Stonewall, three of Sydney's most renown drag queens have assembled to judge the competition. Chad's group is up first. Chad takes center stage, lip synching diva lyrics as Keefla and Suzie are working out an erotic dance in the background. Applause all around. Next up, group two. Shayne is working out some pretty fab dance moves. Holy me-oh-my, he's really great! He's putting his all into it - really sparkling. Applause all around. Judges, what do you say? The queen-bee judge explains, "Shayne your group was excellent, but you are not wearing shoes - and a girl can never go out of the house without shoes. For that reason, we must award the first place honor to Chad's group." Well, that really sucks. Shayne - boy, is he bitter - and his group loose on a technicality.
    The next morning, it's showtime. The stage is small, and thousands of spectators crowd around, bare bodies stretching back for blocks. The music swells as Chad and his dancers take the stage. They work the crowd and there's lots of applause. The performers bound off the stage and Chad can only gasp for air, "I don't know how I did it!" Suzie explains, it was so fun!" But Christina puts the whole mission into perfect perspective when she says, "we've all gotten more comfortable with other's sexuality - and our own." I just bet Keefla sneaks that wig into his backpack…

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