Road Rules 5 chat

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Road Rules V Season Finale Chat

MTVRock: Welcome to the MTV Arena, the entire gang from Road Rules V, the Northern Trail. Welcome Tara, Jon, Noah, Roni, Anne and Dan!

Roni: Hello everyone. Hope you're enjoying the show.

Dan: Hey 58-thanks for the believers.

Noah: What's up???

Roni: So sad tonight's the last episode.

Anne: What's goin' on??

Jon: Hi everybody...our final chat.

Anne: So sad.

Dan: Hey friends!

MTVRock: We're still trying to wrangle up Tara for all of you wondering... She's having computer difficulties...

Anne: Big T, late as usual.

MTVRock: As if you're not psyched enough already for the season finale of Road Rules V, we've got an x-tra special treat to help you count down to the big event. You're in the MTV Arena for a chat with the cast from Road Rules V! Right after this chat, grab yourself a cold one...and hit the tube for some finale action. Check out the season finale of Road Rules @ 10pm ET. Right now...I think this audience wants to ask you guys some questions... So, let's hit it...

MTVRock: HyPeR ToN has a very popular question! "Are Dan and Tara still together??"
Dan: Dan and Tara are not together-still good friends.

MTVRock: VodkaSour has this question for Anne: "Anne, How are things with you and Tim... I have had to work every time the show is on and have no idea what is up....Is everything Kosher?"
Anne: Were not together... too far... but he and I still talk so much. He's trying to come out...
Noah: I talked to Tim today... and Tim and I are going out on the town... in a couple of weeks...
Anne: I've been to visit... he's great...and getting a TON of attention!!
Noah: He's dating the #48 woman's tennis player in the country!!
Dan: Give Tim a kiss for me.
Roni: I tried to call Tim but he wasn't home.

MTVRock: NASHCHICK has a question for the entire group! "Which mission did you enjoy most and which one did you dislike Most???"
Dan: I liked the ER the best. Cattle drive blew.
Noah: I really liked the one tonight... the ROAD RULES Games...
Roni: My 2 favorites were the ER and the go-go dancing.
Jon: Anne, don't you like tennis players too?
Anne: The most... hockey for sure... how cute were those kids...
Noah: I detested the pigs...
Roni: And the one I disliked the most when I was doing it was the cattle drive, but I'm glad to say I did it. That was like one of those things you do, and it's like an accomplishment after you did it.
Jon: I liked wrestling the most. I disliked the cattle drive.
Dan: Hey Noah Boitano you're sexy.
Noah: Thanks Dan I like you too

MTVRock: TorteaDC has this question for everyone... "Did you ever find out who robbed the Winnie?"
Roni: NO.
Jon: No
Dan: NO... do you have any leads?
Anne: No....damn...
Noah: No! But if it's you I'll kick your...
Jon: Noah how was your Passover?
Noah: I've been eating lots of bread...
Roni: All we know is our stuff was stolen and we left town, that's all we know.

MTVRock: Welcome aboard Tara!
Dan: Hey latesly, let's get here sooner next time.
Anne: Hey big T!
Tara: Hey guys!! I'm late as usual!!
Anne: LOL...
Roni: Hey baby chicken!

MTVRock: Let's keep the questions flowing...MCMI has this one: "How do you deal with the lack of privacy?"
Roni: You get used to having no privacy, and you find your own time, you know, you find a way to get privacy.
Jon: It wasn't that bad, they only used about 5% of what actually happened, so even though they are filming you, you know most of it is not going to be one TV.
Noah: It wasn't that I had a lack of privacy....
Tara: The camera people were really cool--so you get used to having them around
Dan: I didn't mind having the cameras around except when they were there for the romance stuff.
Noah: After a while you didn't notice the cameras
Anne: You kind of get used to it ...when I got home I was so lonely....I wanted to pack all my friends in my can and sleep in there... nostalgia

MTVRock: PianoLuva has this question for Roni: "Hi Roni! I think it is so cool how you went to LaGuardia, the 'Fame' high school. I am going there next year! I was so happy when I found out I got accepted! Did you like it? Was it fun? Are you pursuing a career in dance?"
Roni: I loved LaGuardia.
Dan: She's working on a new dance move called, push the button
Roni: I'm not going to pursue a career n dance, because LaGUardia helped me realize that I don't want to be a dancer. By the time you graduate you realize whether you love your major or not.
Anne: Push the button! LOL!
Jon: So Roni what will you do?
Roni: I don't know yet. I'm still young.

MTVRock: WLDCATGRL has this question for Noah.... "Noah, what happened with your girlfriend at home and the girl you met on the trip?"
Noah: My girlfriend is sitting with me right now...
Anne: Hi Rebecca.
Noah: And I haven't talked to Natasha since September.
Dan: Hey Rebecca!
Roni: Hi Rebecca.
Tara: Hey Rebecca!

MTVRock: Wuzzle5 has a very broad question for the group... "What kind of music do you guys like...?"
Anne: Oh.. good question!
Roni: R&B, reggae, hip-hop, funk, and jazz.
Noah: I listen to the Stones, Stevie Ray Vaughn... and a lot of independent artists that haven't been discovered yet.
Anne: I've been into swing a little... K's choice... The Verve..
Tara: Sublime, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy,
Jon: Don Lennon...singing about parties
Dan: Dylan Dan, Morrison, Foo fighters, JT, Mase, Clapton, Verve, Sublime, Otis Redding, Black Crowes, Bush, Springsteen, Mike Jackson, Jewel, Fiona, Aerosmith, Steely Dan, Steve Miller, Beatles, SRV, Tim Mahoney, The Stones, Tracy Chapman, Tupac
Tara: Jon
Jon: Stuff like that... kinda like the Smiths.
Tara: And Dan on vocals, Noah on guitar.
Anne: Anything Jon know ..the usual...
Noah: Anything that makes me dance... The Go-Go's
Tara: Lady's Night ala Jon.
Anne: Right on!... its ladies night

MTVRock: Rlw482 asks: "What was the worst part about the whole trip?"
Dan: Leaving my partners, biting humor
Roni: Having to leave everybody at the end.
Tara: Definitely leaving
Noah: I would say having to eat fast food and not having money or a nice hotel...
Jon: That's how we all feel.
Anne: For sure... the septic tank overflowing all over my clothes and shoes.....and not having any water in the Winnie to wash them!!
Noah: 11 weeks of treating my body like crap sucked.
Tara: The septic tank was funny
Roni: Not having the clothes I brought. Having my stuff stolen.
Jon: The only thing that happened to feel bad also made me grow as a person so I can't complain
Tara: That sucked
Roni: Actually, that was the worst part.
Jon: I am so mad they never showed Dan singing.
Tara: I miss you guys!
Dan: Thanks Jon
Anne: Vanilla Ice
Dan: Hey Jon-eieio

MTVRock: TYresa3 has this question for Jon: "First, thanks for being here tonight. Jon, What was the most painful moment for you during your trip?"
Jon: Tara I am sending you a sculpture and a lunchbox...
Dan: Anne- send me some hockey equip.
Tara: Jon, you're the sweetest! I've been checking my mailbox every day! I can't wait to get it.
Jon: Physically painful was when someone accidentally with me in the face.
Anne: Will do...I'll BRING it... after finals
Jon: That's why I have a black eye for the last 3 episodes.
Dan: Yeah, you'll visit.
Anne: Roni didn't mean to...
Roni: Oh, boy. Here we go.
Tara: Anne will never visit
Roni: I said sorry.
Anne: was that sarcasm?
Jon: Tara I am sorry it's taking longer than I thought but I made a bunch and I wanted to pick the best one.

MTVRock: C26play has this question: "Did you guys get into really deep conversations, or emotional breakthroughs, etc...(yadda yadda), then see the camera and just want to do something odd like tap-dance or something? I know I would be tempted!"
Dan: Noooooooo! Why would you think that?
Noah: Jon's most painful was when he watched Anne hook up with Brandon!
Anne: LOL...I will not my fault you are a jet-setter.
Dan: Touche
Jon: Quality is job 1.
Tara: Biting!!
Anne: When things got heavy... Jon gave breakdancing lessons. Although Roni could give tapdance lessons...
Noah: No.
Roni: I guess you could say if we were in the middle of a conversation and the cameras weren't there and then they walked in, we would stop talking, but not on purpose. It was just like, if someone walked in. But if they were there, we didn't mind.
Tara: Yes--but we had to suck it up & get "mushy" anyways.
Dan: I think we should boycott this chat until we get our pictures from the show...
Jon: I went through a lot of emotional breakthroughs that's why I feel grateful to the other castmembers but never wanted to tapdance, no.
Tara: Good call Dan!!!!!!
Anne: You forget they are there...

MTVRock: S Method wonders: "Didn't you worry about what you did in front of the cameras in case your relatives were watching?"
Tara: Yeah--wait till tonight!!!
Dan: That's a good question, right T?
Noah: No...only because I wanted to be myself. It was the only fair way to do it.
Roni: No, we got used to the cameras being there.
Anne: When I got home I called my mom and said... OK... this is what you are dealing with then I disconnected her cable... and my grandmas... and my aunts... and... Just kidding... don't regret much.
Roni: You don't worry about it because you're just doing everyday things and you don't notice the cameras.
Jon: Yeah I did, tried not to name anyone when talking about my family, but it's the best part that your family gets to watch you.
Dan: If I thought my grandparents were going to be watching what I did every second, I would have gone nuts. I forgot about that.
Tara: D-would you have censored yourself a little more?
Dan: No- you know me.
Jon: Are you going to Australia Dan?

MTVRock: Abftchjee asks: "Roni how did your date feel about you being kidnapped from the prom?"
Roni: My date broke his foot the night before the prom. So I ended up taking a close friend, and he didn't care at all. He was happy that I got on Road Rules.

MTVRock: TrplPlay2 wonders about the sleeping arrangements: "Did you guys have to sleep in the Winebago 75% of the time?"
Roni: Maybe 50%.
Dan: We were in trailer parks the whole time.
Noah: 50%
Roni: No, actually, 60%. In the beginning of the trip we slept in the Winnebago a lot, but near the end of the trip we stayed in crappy hotels.
Tara: We slept there a lot, especially during the 1st half of the trip. Maybe 82%...
Anne: Yep... 71.5.....we were close...
Noah: Did we stay in any nice hotels???
Dan: Those were 1st rate crappy hotels, though...
Anne: Chicago was OK...
Jon: The tent option was always there.
Tara: Chicago wasn't bad--the last night was pretty cool.

MTVRock: WaaF Fred was wondering which Bunim-Murray show you would really like to be on: "What show would you have rather been on Road Rules or the Real World. Just wondering???"
Roni: Road Rules, definitely.
Noah: Road Rules...because you're actually doing something cool.
Anne: Road Rules
Tara: ROAD RULES!!!!
Jon: Road Rules, better for your character and not as famous.
Tara: Jon, that surprises me. You used to say RW.
Jon: I would do Real World if they asked me to, I have nothing against it.
Anne: You get to do so much that you wouldn't get to do lounging in a house.
Jon: I did?

MTVRock: Foulshot1 wants to know: "Do you guys have a say in what they put on TV? Did you ever watch the show?"
Dan: We have shit for pull as to what gets put on.
Noah: We don't have a say at what goes on at all. Once in a blue moon I see the show before it comes on....
Roni: No. Not really.
Tara: Just watch tonight...
Anne: No say at all...about anything.
Jon: It's my plan to become a millionaire to edit the show the way it should be done because some things were priceless.

MTVRock: Krisco100 wants to know... "Were you guys excited to meet Third Eye Blind?"
Dan: Third Eye Blind is cool...
Noah: I was excited to meet a famous band, but I was bummed out that they were jerks.
Anne: LOL... yeah excited at first... then... they were jerks.
Noah: Serves them right that they're one-hit wonders.
Tara: They were dorks. Jerks makes them sound to cool.
Roni: No, I didn't know who they were. They weren't as big as they are now.
Tara: We didn't know the difference between Third Eye Blind & Hanson.
Jon: I think the rest of the band is probably cool but the singer needs to work on his social skills.
Noah: Mmm bop

MTVRock: Darma2 wonders... "I know in one episode you were talking about who will keep in touch with who... will you all keep in touch?"
Dan: We have so far.
Roni: Yeah.
Jon: Sorry I haven't called you back yet Noah
Noah: We always check in with each other.
Tara: Yeah definitely
Anne: I talk to everyone...not really Noah... ironic don't you think?
Jon: By the way what do you want in your sculpture Noah?
Roni: Yeah, Noah.

MTVRock: Swigz wants to know... "Did anyone know that you were going to get pulled over for not having the clue or was it just the way that is happened when Roni was driving?"
Tara: No--just lucky
Roni: Just the way it happened, unfortunately.
Noah: We never had any clue what was going on.
Dan: We had no clue. It was great that it happened to Roni.
Roni: Scared the mess out of me.
Jon: We had no idea.
Anne: We really thought Roni was getting pulled over... I thought how sad one of her first times driving and look what happened.

MTVRock: Km2gthr wonders what Anne is up to: "Anne, What are you doing now??? Anything special???"
Jon: The fog is getting thicker.
Tara: Jon, you're the best!!
Anne: Just going to school... accounting I'm getting my butt kicked and enjoying the awesome weather.

MTVRock: OoYiElDoO wants to know: "Do you like being MTV's lackeys?"
Tara: Dan's getting pretty good playing his guitar!
Dan: Yeah, who wouldn't?
Jon: Thanks Tara, I owe you more than I owe anyone else from the trip but that's in the letter I wrote you.
Roni: Yeah, I guess. I don't know what a lackey is.
Jon: That's the part I like least about it.
Anne: We had a great time and MTV and Bunim-Murray have been pretty cool
Jon: I think MTV should be M2 and vice versa. They shouldn't even have shows like these on a music channel.

MTVRock: Ke708par wonders.... "How did Noah get another guitar?"
Noah: Insurance baby...
Dan: The guitar was my mom's
Roni: He borrowed one from Dan's mom when we went to Dan's.

MTVRock: Scariari wonders... "Did you get your stuff back after the robbery? Damn, I would've been pissed!"
Noah: No we never got our stuff back.
Dan: OH!
Jon: I got a check for a shirt that got stolen but I was lucky.

MTVRock: ThePuck34 wonders... "Dan did you end up going back to your old girlfriend, or hooking up with Tara, or did none of those options work out?"
Dan: It's kind of annoying to have to do that
Anne: Ahhhhh...its puck!
Dan: I'm not with anyone right now. But Tara's looking and her number is 555-9865.
Anne: LOL... get a pen.
Jon: What are you talking about?

MTVRock: BaByGyrl wonders... "I just wanted to ask Anne and Noah if anything happened between the two of them that we didn't see?"
Anne: He had his hands full!
Noah: Read the book.
Jon: That's a no no... it makes them sick when this question is asked...
Anne: Book touting...
Noah: Hey Jon don't be jealous!!!

MTVRock: Natie2000 wants to know... "Noah do you still talk to Natasha?"
Anne: Whatever dork
Noah: No. I haven't talked to her since September.
Jon: Noah is just kidding right? What are you talking about dude?
Noah: Yeah, just kidding.

MTVRock: GiOacqua wants to know... "What was your most frustrating moment?"
Tara: Wow, Jon--the enforcer.
Anne: LOL....
Noah: Chicago...
Roni: Probably getting my stuff stolen, and after we left New York.
Tara: Did I mention there's something I don't like about tonight's episode?
Anne: Not being able to compete because of injury... it thought I was going to get struck by lightning.
Tara: Cattle Drive and Chicago was horrible.
Noah: Tara -What about tonight's episode
Tara: 30 questions
Anne: Noah... so kind
Jon: I realize I was being a total jerk at certain points but I felt powerless.

MTVRock: TenorTeen has a question for Dan... "Dan I am also from Minnesota, I was wondering if you like it there. Also I was wondering if you liked making friends with complete strangers?"
Tara: Are we strange?
Dan: Complete strangers are the best people to make friends with. MN is a wonderful state. I love living in the cities.

MTVRock: Eruss97 wants to know... "Who was getting jiggy with it in the Winnie?"
Roni: Answer the question, you guys!
Noah: Snoop Doggy Dogg and Puff Daddy... they was all getting jiggy.
Dan: Noah, Anne and a few others.
Roni: You know who you are.
Jon: Parents just don't understand.
Tara: Noah & Dan make a mean duo
Anne: LOL...
Tara: You should hear their songs
Dan: We didn't get it on in the Winnie.
Anne: Right on... provocative

MTVRock: Purplesun wants to know... "Was it hard to leave in the end?"
Roni: Hell, yeah.
Tara: Yes!! I still miss them. And visiting makes me miss everyone even more!!
Noah: Not especially... I knew I was going to miss everybody but after 11 weeks... I wanted to go home and relax.
Anne: So hard... we had such a great time together and we all became really close...despite what people may think.
Dan: It was tough because there will never be the same group of people in the same situation again.
Jon: It was very hard, for a long time I thought about the 5 of you guys and everything I did kinda like how you think of your girlfriend...
Anne: I really wish we all lived closer
Tara: What's that mean?
Roni: I agree with everybody.
Noah: I wish we could go back and do it again because it would be a lot easier to get along. With me, I mean.
Anne: LOL...
Jon: Oh, me too.
Anne: I think we all would be easier.

MTVRock: We have time for one last question and it comes from Banzaisrf: "What did you learn from the trip?"
Dan: You have to work at the relationships you have. Don't take them for granted.
Noah: I learned that there's a whole world out there...and there's a lot I need to experience...
Anne: I learned to be a lot tougher and how it make ramen a staple in my diet
Noah: Before I decide what to do with my life.
Jon: I learned that I have a lot of things I still have to fix about myself. That we have a beautiful country and it's worth seeing if you have the chance. But most of all I've learned that the only way you're ever gonna get anywhere.
Roni: I learned how to survive without material things.
Jon: In life is by putting yourself in new difficult situations.
Tara: I learned not to take things for granted so much, and to be more accepting of my friends. And it's easy to get attached.
Roni: I learned that it's hard for me to leave people.
Dan: Leave your home to find yourself.
Tara: Good call Dan.

MTVRock: Okay...many thanks to everyone from the cast for chatting with us!
Tara: Gotta go--Baby Chicken signing off!! I love you guys!! Miss you.
Anne: So sad.....thanks to everyone who watched!!!
Roni: Thanks everybody for coming out.
Dan: Good, Better, Best...
Roni: And everybody who sent me emails and stuff, I'm trying to get back to you, I don't have a computer but I'll definitely get back to you, thanks again.
Noah: Road Rules forever...
Tara: How odd--we're officially a past cast
Anne: Love you guys I'll call you and Noah you'll have to call me.
Tara: RR Foeva!
Dan: Dave's law-Tupac is alive! I love all of you.
Roni: Love to everybody, cast and viewers. Love and life.
Jon: Road Rules...f o e v a!
Anne: Thank you..:)
MTVRock: Thanks a lot gang!

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All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.