Behind The Scenes

Road Rules: Behind the scenes:

    Remember during the golf tournament, Anne and Daniel Baldwin really hit it off. He was joking with her and she was giving it right back. They really got on well! You could even say there was chemistry between them. And there was something else going on between them. An exchange of digits. Not his digit, you perv, her digits! Bet you didn't know that Anne gave Daniel her home number in Phoenix!
    After the tournament, during the Winnie ride back to the hostel, Anne gushed with praise for Daniel. He's so cute, he's so nice, he's so generous, he's so funny... You get the idea. Meanwhile, the rest of the roomies just stared at her, dumbfounded. Finally, Dan broke the silence, speaking for all, "Daniel is a silly grease-ball!" But Anne just doesn't see it that way, do you Anne? Message to Anne - let us know if he calls!

    You remember what a great time the Roadies had at the THIRD EYE BLIND concert. And you'll remember how Noah and Anne watched much of the concert from the loft overhead. They were side-by-side, leaning over the railing. The lights were low. It was very romantic. They rubbed elbows and the sweat on their bare arms mingled. But there were a few other boyz and girlz in the loft who also had elbows. And ideas...
    Half way through the concert, a hunky blond boy nudged his way in between Noah and Anne, proceeding to chat up our glamour girl - leaving Noah to his own devices. Well it didn't take long for Noah to meet his own blond bomb shell. She was cute, and Noah enjoyed sharpening up on his mac-daddy seek-and-destroy skills. But these two brazen blondies couldn't hold our Ruler's attention for long. Before anyone could even yell "slam dance," Anne had dumped her beau for a choice seat right next to Tara, and Noah had dropped his chick for the opportunity to dance with Dan. What? That's right. Our boys joined hands and circled to the right, then circled to the left. They really rocked out, and the crowd backed away to give them room. What a team!

    The Roadies had one final mission before they busted out of Seattle on their way to Calgary.
    A few blocks from the Seattle youth hostel, you can find Pike's Fish Market. It's a really famous joint. Anyone who's anyone gets their fish at Pike's. You might have seen it in that Levi's commercial that Spike Lee directed. Remember all those guys in white aprons tossing fish around? Well, our cast spent a day working right there. And we mean working. They really busted their butts. There's a lot of labor involved in setting up shop for the day. The market is just huge, and all the bins must be filled with ice. The ice maker is a room-sized version of the unit on your refrigerator door. Dan shoveled the ice into a huge cart, then the others spread it out into the bins. Now the fun part - cases and case of fish, of every kind you can think of - has to be spread out over the ice. Let me tell you, some of these fish are heavy - some are four feet long! Here, catch...
    Everyone really pitched in to get the job done. Everyone except Noah. He really tried to avoid taxing himself. Maybe he didn't want that smell on his hands. Maybe he prefers beef. At any rate, the manager of the market, BEAR, was wise to his game. Bear caught Noah slacking and made sure Noah paid for his poor performance. Bear instructed his staff to toss Noah some big fish - toss them fast. The bigger and faster they come, the harder they are to catch. I've heard of flying fish, but this is silly...

On Patrol
    In this episode, you witnessed tension developing between Jon and Noah. What you didn't witness, because we didn't have time to show it to you, was tension caused by Jon and Noah - tension that is affecting some of the other Roadies.
    Anne and Tara shared a barracks room on the RCMP compound. We didn't give you a tour of the whole place, but girlz room looked just like the boyz. All the rooms there look the same. On the first night, the girlz were too excited to sleep. They ended up chatting into the wee hours - total slumber party vibe. They had a lot of interesting things to say...
        Anne starts right in on Noah, "he's kewl alone, but he's a total dick in a group situation." Anne can't decide if she should continue to be nice to Noah, or if she should just start to ignore him. Tara advises Anne to just "be normal." Tara explains that Noah really drives her crazy - he's very stubborn. Like when he wouldn't ask for directions and ended up getting lost. Anne counters, "He doesn't think we're fun enough or exciting enough for him. But then sometimes, he's so sweet." Tara suggests they start to refer to Noah as MP - that stands for MULTIPLE PERSONALITY. So listen up - if you ever hear the girls referring to MP, you'll know they're talking about Noah. Now, lights out!

Roadies On The Trail
        Wasn't it a miracle that none of the Roadies suffered any injuries during the cattle drive? It wasn't a miracle per se, just a miracle of editing. Our California blonde bombshell-ette Tara suffered an injury, but we didn't have time to show it to you. That's why we created this section on the Website. I recently spoke with Tara about the accident.
JJ Web: So what happened?
Tara: I fell off.
JJ Web: You fell off?!
Tara: My saddle fell off.
JJ Web: And?
Tara: I got hurt. I got scared. But I stayed on my saddle all the way to the ground. The saddle didn't fit. It was like too small or something. It didn't fit the horse and someone had taken my horse's saddle. So it kept sliding and I would try to adjust but then he started galloping randomly up this hill and then the saddle fell. Oh, and then when I fell off, Roni was right there like "picture!"
        Sounds kind of painful, doesn't it?
        Another interesting thing we didn't have time to share was the evening when the Roadies sat in a Sweat Lodge with their new Native American friends. They stripped down to their undies and slipped into two different teepees, boyz against girlz, and then a lot of quiet meditation took place as the sweat poured from the pores. The experience seemed to affect Jon the most deeply, maybe because he's got Native American blood running through his veins. Jon was really torn as to whether to see female companionship during the trip. How would it affect his girl back home? The sweat seemed to clear things up for Jon - he decided to remain faithful.

Go Dan!
        Life on the road is not all glamour and adventure. Everyone knows that the Winnebago is a bit small for six people to live in for such a long period of time. But it's a temporary situation - and part of the challenge. Living in the Winnie also brings the cast closer together - and very quickly.
        However, the Winnebago is not a magic carpet. It's a machine that needs to be taken care of properly. It needs gas, sometimes it needs water, and to power the lights while the engine is off and electrical hook-up must be put into place. And the sewage tank must be emptied every once in a while. Yes, the sewage tank has to be drained - the stuff doesn't just disappear, you know! Sound like a nasty job? It can get a little stinky. Which is why all of the cast members avoided taking charge - avoided emptying the tank. This avoidance laid the groundwork for impending disaster...
        Noah admits that he knew trouble was around the corner: "We looked at the holding tank and it said that we were pretty close to full, but nobody wanted to listen and everybody kept using the bathroom." Well just imagine what happened...
        The tank overflowed in the middle of the night. Liquid an inch deep flowed into the back bedroom, soaking all of the clothes laying on the floor and saturating the shoes. Noah and Anne were sleeping in the back room and Noah later reminisced, "sleeping back there was just like sleeping in a pool of urine." Dan hopped out of bed and slipped outside to drain the tank alone. What a good guy, huh? Meanwhile, Anne experienced a self-described "nervous breakdown." The smell. The mess. It was all just too much for her to handle and she snapped.

The Game
        Although it isn't Lent, and not all of the cast members are Catholic, the Roadies decided it was time for a little self-sacrifice...
        Tara designed a game where everyone would give up one habit they enjoy. Whoever indulged in their chosen sacrifice first would be proclaimed the loser. The loser would owe everybody a favor - a favor within reason; it couldn't be illegal.
        Tara and Anne decided to give up smoking. Dan decided to give up humming and singing, something he does all day long. Jon, it was agreed, could not spend more than seven minutes in the bathroom. (Apparently, he just spends hours and hours in there, completely oblivious.) Noah would have to give up "skirt chasing." Finally, Roni was not allowed to be the last one to leave the Winnie or the last one to finish eating a meal. Seems she's always lagging behind.
        Before the game could even begin, Noah had some problems with the setup. Just what does "skirt chasing" mean? Noah's roadmates conveened for debate on the definition and concluded that Noah could only say two words to unknown females: yes or no. Of course, Noah could not accept these conditions and threatened to pull himself out of the competition. But before this issue had the opportunity to come to a head, Dan quietly sang the chorus of the Twisted Sister song "We're not Gonna Take It." After only three hours on the playing field, the game was over.
        Dan was really frustrated. He wasn't worried about paying up on the favors; he was disappointed in himself for "ruining" the game before the others had the chance to test their wills.

        This week, you saw the Roadies pick up the three little pigs in Wisconsin. And you saw them hand the pigs over to the Future Farmers of America at a farm in Michigan. But what you didn't see was that while they were at the farm, the Roadies helped to deliver some baby pigs. And when we say deliver, we mean guiding these babies through their mother's loins into the big, bad world!!
        At the back of the main yard of the farm was a large pen - kind of like a dog house. Inside, the bloated mother pig was resting on her side, her udders swollen with milk. The Roadies crowed around the window and together witnessed the first of several piglets making their entrance to the world. The Roadies took turns assisting the infants. This two step procedure included wiping the babies clean and then placing them next to the mother's teats so they could feed easily.
        This was a glorious and gooey adventure for the Rulers, and all were moved by the beauty of nature.

        I know how to flirt. You know how to flirt. We all know how to flirt. But do you know how to flirt in an emergency room? If not, Anne can give you a few pointers. She's brought flirting in the ER to a new level. She's created an art form. Her most successful technique? The old 'wrap it in plaster' trick...
        It started when Anne confessed, "I used to always want to put casts on everyone when I was little. And I played with plaster of Paris all the time, but that wasn't my big motivation behind wanting to do casts. I kind of thought Dr. Tim was pretty cute."
        Dan noticed Anne's ploy. "She wanted to get casted all night. Tim said we could cast each other, but he ended up doing Anne. It could have ended up that I put the cast on Anne, but it just happened that it was Dr. Tim, and I'm sure she probably liked that a little more."
        There's a certain intimacy to be found in casting. Tim cradled Anne's limb. She trusted him. He gently but tightly wrapped her flesh. She stared into his eyes. He smiled. The plaster hardened... and the rest is history.
        Roni, on the other hand, was not the least bit interested in casting. She slipped into an operating room where BRAIN SURGERY was being performed. This man's scalp is peeled back and the doctors are drilling into his brain and what does Roni do? She whips our her camera and starts taking flash pictures! That girl kills me.

The Barber of Seville
        If you saw this week's episode, you may have noticed that Anne had this cuckoo hairdo when she greeted Doctor Tim at the station. Her do was a combination beehive / space-age dominatrix. And then, poof, her hair was back to normal. No explanation. If you were sitting there wondering "what the heck was Anne thinking," you weren't alone. But there was a reason. After leaving the Emergency Room in Detroit, the Roadies went on to complete a hair-styling mission in Toronto. We hate to cut missions from our season line-up, but time flies when we're having fun. We don't want you to feel cheated, so we'll fill you in.
        As the Roadies left the ER room, they were handed their next clue: a bag filled with scissors, gel, oil, etc. They set off in search of the given address, finally discovering Robin's Barber Salon. Each cast member was given a live head (attached to a body) and after a quick lesson, everyone got to work! The rules? Whoever executes the best hair cut and style will be allowed to transform the hair of the other cast members. Sounds fun, huh? Anne is pretty handy with a brush and blow dryer -- look at her hair, she always looks fab. And Dan is always groomed to perfection, the boy should model. Anyway. Surprise, surprise. The winners were Noah and Roni!! That's right. And boy oh boy, they couldn't wait to get their hands into the others' hair. Roni gave Jon a slicked-back Miami Vice thing, while Noah grabbed a brush and teased Tara's hair within an inch of her life. It was all very cute -- and a little painful, or so Tara tells me.

        By now you may have realized that Noah is having difficulty remaining faithful to his girlfriend Rebecca. And yet, Noah is not an evil guy. He even phoned Rebecca to try and explain to her just what's been happening. Noah wanted his girl to understand his point of view. We didn't have time to show you this phone call, but we thought we'd share some of it with you here.
        Noah explained to Rebecca that he had met a girl (Natasha) and that they were getting along really well. Noah further explained that this girl had decided to pay a visit to Montreal -- "she has family here and she loves the city." That's not all she loves. Noah explained that this girl wasn't hanging out with him exclusively -- "she's been hanging out with everyone in the group. But she is closest to me." That, at least, is the truth. Noah begins to squirm in his seat at the pay phone. Rebecca must be asking some tough questions. Noah's response? "No, we're not intimate. We just talk." This is a new version of talking where you press your lips to the other person's mouth. The words go right down their throat...
        We also didn't have time to show you a white-water-rafting mission that the Rulers experienced. They had a blast. Except when Roni nailed Jon in the eye with the tip of her oar. That kind of hurt. But that was nothing compared to the big spill. That's right, the Roadies tipped – all the way over. Everyone into the river!

        While the Roadies were in New York, anger long held inside finally burst to the surface. And we're not talking about Roni's explosion in the Winnie. We're talking about the afternoon when Noah confronted Anne on the sidewalk. What? You don't remember that incident? That's because we didn't have time to include it in this week's episode. We'll clue you in here...
        On a sunny afternoon, Noah and Anne took a stroll and eventually parked their butts right on the sidewalk for a little heart-to-heart. Noah wanted to make a confession -- something that's been bothering him for weeks. What's the problem? The problem is, Noah explains, the Three Musketeers. Also known as the three-headed monster. What the hell are we talking about? We're talking about the exclusive "clique" that has formed between Anne, Dan, and Tara. Noah explains to Anne that he feels completely excluded. Anne, Dan, and Tara spend all their time together. When Noah invites them to hang out with him, they decline. Noah misses Anne. And he claims Dan isn't strong enough to make his own decisions -- he just follows along with Tara.
        Speaking of Tara, Noah confesses that he is convinced that Tara hates his guts. "I'm through trying to get along with her. She's treated me like s**t, ignored me, she didn't give me a fair chance and didn't want me as a part of her exclusive clique." Anne reminds Noah that he's welcome in their group any time. Noah continues, "when Tara and I try to talk things out we reach a resolution and agree to change. And I change. But she doesn't change and she pretends that I'm still acting the way I was before. I'm done trying to compromise." Anne again reminds Noah, "I like hanging out with you -- when you're not ripping on me." Now, how often is that...


        As usual, there were lots of things happening that we couldn't pack into this episode -- even though it's an hour long. We've skimmed the cream of the crop for you...
        When the Real World All-Star cast arrived in Lake Placid, they were immediately handed a laptop computer. When opened, the computer proceeded directly to the Bunim-Murray Web site, where the Real Worlders were allowed a quick glimpse of their competition. Each member of ROAD RULES V has a Web page on the site. You can access the same peek the Real Worlders had by visiting
        During the bus ride to ski jump practice, Noah and Eric shared a seat. It was only a matter of moments before the two studs fell to talking about their favorite subject -- women. Noah explains that he never goes for the prettiest girl in school -- she's usually got a perfect life and knows it so she's usually stuck up. Eric chimes in, I know exactly what you mean. It's revealed that both young men go for the pretty girl who is overlooked by everyone else. Both men also agree that a woman must present a complete package -- funny, smart, and of course, beautiful. Despite his ultra-defined physique, Eric confesses that he doesn't demand his dates be "supermodel types." However, Eric warns that his women "must be entertaining 24-7 or I'm out!"
        Before the cast members were allowed to take a turn on the ski jump, some heavy training was required. This included hours of trampoline work, where simulated jumps and flips are entirely possible

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