Season V Episodes

What I said | Bonnie said | MTV said about this episode.

 Jon cutting a rug


12: Go-Go Dancing

My comments:
Roni needs to realize that she is working with amateurs not pros
As usual Noah’s mind is on sex and is forgeting about his girlfriend, and always thinks with the wrong "head"
Natasha seems to be wierd in the fact that she is messing around with a man that is going out with another woman and this does not bother her.
It is sad that Dan is the only person that understands what Jon is all about, and Jon really wishes that Anne and Tara would try to know him better.

What Bonnie had to say about the episode:
Segment #1
    In Detroit, the group is still staying at the Red Roof Inn. Anne gets a phone call from Dr. Tim. Anne says she talks to Tim every day amd she wants to try to do a long-distance relationship with him. She makes him promise to visit them during their next mission in Toronto. She says she and Tim have grown close even though they've only known each other for a week.
    They drive to Toronto and go to a dance club called the Joker. The owner tells them that for their next mission they have to be go-go dancers.
        Mission 12: Go-Go Dancers
    Noah and Roni are excited. Noah says he always wanted to be a stripper. He says go-go dancing is all about sex, and he loves sex so this should be great.
Roni wants to choreograph it. She has the experience to do it since she's a dancer.
Roni says this mission will be fun but stressful. Roni tries to show them some steps.
Hour 1
    Roni's still trying to get everyone to pay attention to the steps. She says it's hard because not everyone in the group is a dancer, and they can't pick up the steps as quickly.
Hour 2
    Roni's getting frustrated with the group. Anne says she's trying to concentrate on what Roni's saying, but her mind keeps thinking about Tim who's supposed to meet up with her later.
Hour 5
    Roni tells them they need to work the crowd and smile a lot. Anne says she loves Roni, but the way she teaches when she's frustrated, frustrates them in return.
    Tara says she's not a good dancer and she's shy about being on stage. Anne says she thinks Roni's taking this mission way too seriously.
Segment #2
    Tara says Roni's under a lot of pressure from her and Anne. Noah suggests that Tara and Anne should freestyle it while the boys will follow behind Roni with a few steps.Roni says they still need to rehearse more because they're still not looking good enough.
    Roni says Jon sort of has the steps down, but then has a weird sense of double-timing it. She says Noah thinks he's a great dancer but he's not. Then she says that the girls (Anne and Tara) just giggle.
    Anne says she got a page from Tim at the airport and she goes to pick him up. She's sporting a crazy hairdo. She says she gave herself a wacky hairdo to freak Tim out since they haven't known each other that long - she thought it would be funny. He laughs when he sees it.
    That night, Noah says Tim wanted to go to the clubs and he went with him. Anne says Noah loves being with women. Lots of scenes of Noah flirting with different girls.
    In the Winnie bed, Tim and Anne lay there and talk about each other's jobs. She says she has to rough it more than he does and jokes that he hasn't been in a professional wrestling match like she has.
    Anne says everyone in the group loves Tim. He steamrolls everyone (literally with his body) and wrestles with Dan and Tara. Dan says he likes to think that Tim didn't just come to Toronto to visit Anne, but also the rest of them.
    The next night they get ready for the go-go dancing mission. Noah's worried about looking lanky compared to the more buff-looking dansers. Jon tries to reassure Noah that he's hot and "can move like a supertramp."
    As they drive up to the club, Noah screams when he sees all the cute girls in line, and starts chanting to himself, "I have a girlfriend" over and over. Tara asks Noah if he's trying to be so good, why does he flirt back?
    Tara's worried they're all going to look stupid dancing. Dan's wearing a big red hat. Jon's wearing a headband. As they're about to go on stage, you can see Tara cross herself and say a little prayer.
Segment #3
    Anne says she's not dancing near Roni, since Roni's so good. Tara and Anne are on the far sides of the stage and the boys are on both sides of Roni who is in the middle. Scenes of Jon jumping up and down, and Noah humping the floor. Anne and Tara dance with each other. Roni does a series of impressive leaps and kicks.
Tara says they did so well.
        Mission 12 completed!
Roni says she was happy to be able to dance again.
    Anne says that as soon as the go-go mission ended, girls surrounded Noah. Noah says his charm is a special girft. He said that once he met a girl at the club named Natasha, he was in trouble. Noah says he's enjoying himself every night, but in the morning he has doubts about his relationship with the girlfriend he left behind, Rebecca.
    Anne says he should break up with Rebecca since he has problems being faithful, but he says he just wants to slow their relationship down. He says he feels guilty. He tells Natasha about Rebecca. Noah says he wants a family and the commitment thing so bad that he rushes into relationships.
    Anne says she's sad Tim has to leave. She says she's had a lot of exboyfriends with major problems. A scene of them walking down the street through a market, and she sees a jewelry booth. He buys her a ring and she threatens to cry.
Tim gives the group a hug when he leaves. Dan says he's glad Tim came to visit Anne and the group.
    She goes to the airport to see Tim off. She's crying when they say goodbye and in the cab ride back to the Winnie.
End Segment
    Jon says to Tim that he wants everyone in the group to really get to know him as a person. He says Dan does, but Anne and Tara don't. Then he makes fun of Anne's short attention span to Tim. Tim laughs.

What MTV had to say about the episode:

    Previously: Noah's guilt over his hometown honey doesn't keep him from straying. Anne can't keep her groping hands off Doctor Tim.
    Have you ever seen the show American Bandstand? How about Soul Train? Remember Dance Fever? They're playing that one on cable again right now. All these shows have one thing in common: fabulous, glamorous, glittering dance numbers. This week's episode is nothing like those shows.
    After bidding Doctor Tim a teary farewell, the Roadies follow their next clue to Ridgeman Street in Toronto. At an imposing nightclub, they are greeted by MICHAEL, who explains the next mission: you have 24 hours to prepare for your performance as go-go dancers. Is that a nervous sweat, or just dance fever?
    The bootie-shakers-to-be follow Michael on a tour of the vast nightclub. There's a wide stage at one end of the dance floor. That's right, all eyes will be on you. Michael directs the sweet young things to the dressing room where buckets of costumes await their limbs. The Roadies start pawing through the clothing, trying to find just the right look. Not your color, honey. Is this a shirt or a bracelet? Noah reminds everyone that he's always wanted to be a stripper, so this mission is right up his alley -- it's all about sex. Roni gets serious -- we need to choreograph our show so that we're all doing the same moves. I want us to look good! And Roni is just the person to lead the crew -- she graduated from the Fame school, with an emphasis in dance, for gosh sakes.
    Rehearsal begins. Kick ball change, kick ball change, but no. It's immediately clear to all that Roni is a great dancer and everyone else is barely-average-maybe. This is where the great split in thinking starts to rip... Roni wants everyone to rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. She really believes that if her trip-mates would just apply themselves, they would pick up the steps she's created. But the other Roadies are not into this Flashdance intensity. They just want to "have fun with it." And what's wrong with that? Well, for one thing, if the moves are mediocre, Roni fears that everyone will say "why didn't Roni help them out, she went to the Fame school, for gosh sakes." You see the quandary. But what is Roni to do?
    It's quickly decided that everyone will have the opportunity to take center stage to bust a move -- show off their own personal style. Noah wants to do his sex moves (big surprise) and Jon wants to do his Crank. Anne confesses she can't concentrate on the dance because all she can think about is Doctor Tim. Tara and Dan are willing to try anything once, but wisely refuse to promise entertainment.
    After five hours of rehearsal, our tender-footed travelers look worse than when they began. Noah suggests Anne and Tara remain on the twin podiums from start to finish -- that way if they mess up, it will look like they're just free-styling. Roni privately rips her talent-free travelers to shreds: "Jon has no rhythm, Noah thinks he can dance but he can't, and the girls just giggle." Glamour is a rocky road...     Phone call! It's for Anne. Guess who's coming to dinner? Doctor Tim! He's coming to visit for the weekend. Anne couldn't be happier. Well, maybe if Tim was bringing her a diamond ring...
    That night, Anne races to the station to greet Tim. She throws her arms around his neck and won't let go. Doesn't look like he wants her to. The next morning, Anne and Tim wake in each other's arms in the Winnie. Anne jokingly reminds Tim that her job is much more demanding than his: "You play with screws and plaster. I have to shovel manure and drive cattle with no water. Professional wrestling? Done it!" It's as if they've been together forever.
    That afternoon, the Roadies dress for the big night center stage. Halston, Gucci, Fiorucci. Noah is worried, "I have no upper body." Jon tries to buoy Noah's self-image, "your arms are hot, your abs are hot, you move hotter than anyone I've ever seen, you're a super tramp!" OK Jon, if you overdo it he won't believe it.
    The Roadies drive over to the club and a huge line of partiers sprawls down the block. A line packed with hot ladies, by the way. Noah is freaking. The temptation! He chants, trying to maintain control, "I have a girlfriend." Anne has made up her mind, "I'm not dancing next to Roni, I'm dancing on the other side of the floor where the white girls dance." Wise decision. The lights dim and noise from the crowd falls to a hush. The Roadies bound onto the stage and you know what? - they're not half bad! It was kind of strange to see Noah making love to the floor, but hey, maybe nobody noticed. As the Rulers bound off stage, Michael rewards them with $1900 -- that should keep you going for a while.
    A cool-down at the bar, drinks all around. Suddenly, Noah is surrounded by a pack of lovelies. One catches his eye -- her name is Natasha. They bump and grind and a little bit more... The next morning, Noah confesses, "I'm having fun in the evenings and feeling guilty in the morning." Noah phones Rebecca to apologize for not calling. It's a short conversation. Know what I mean? Later that day, when the Roadies hit the beach, Natasha joins Noah. The lovers sit thigh to thigh. Cheek to cheek. Noah confesses that he is envious of friends who can date whomever they want without spousal repercussions. Natasha understands, but it doesn't look like she's going anywhere.
    That evening, Anne and Tim spend their final hours together. He buys her a little ring and she cries softly. Now it's back to the station for farewell. Like pulling off a Band-Aid, the parting is quick and painful. Now Anne is reduced to tears, alone in the back of taxi. Doctor Tim to Anne's arms, STAT!

All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.

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