Season 5 Episodes

What I said | Bonnie said | MTV said about this episode.

 Queen of the log

507: GO DAN !!

7: Lumberjack Games

My comments:
Dan’s Parents are awesome, To bad Dan did not treat Tara right when he was at home.
Seems like ever time Anne sees a guy her hormones take off, it can not be that long since she had companionship.

What Bonnie had to say about the episode:
Original Air Date: Feb. 23, 1998
Segment #1
    The gang heads out to Dan's home in Minneapolis, Minnesota. They've traveled 1,919 miles so far.
    Tara asks Dan if he's going to tell his parents where he sleeps at night on the Winnie. He says he'll probably say he sleeps in the single bed (instead of saying that he shares a bed with Tara). He says his parents will probably tease him for sleeping alone. Tara said her parents would tease her too if she said the same thing. Noah's rolling his eyes during the conversation.
    Dan says it's going to be weird having his ex-girlfriend Rachel and Tara in the same place.
    They drive up to the house and meet Dan's parents. They all get hugs from mom and dad. Dan's parents show them all a map they have tacked to the wall with lines drawn tracking the gang's missions. Jon says Dan's parents are sweet and caring, and he was eating it all up. Dan says that his dad was once drafted into the NFL and that his motto has always been, "Good, better, best; never let it rest, until your good is better than your best."
    Dan says he needs to work on not worrying about getting into conflicts and whether he'll get someone mad at him for awhile.
    While they are hanging out in the kitchen, Dan calls Rachel on the phone to invite her over. Tara looks pensive.
    While waiting for the rest of his friends to show up, Dan shows them a photo collage of his football days in high school.
    Dan's friends come over. Noah says it'll be weird when Tara and Rachel meet each other face to face. They meet, and Tara looks anxious.
Segment #2
    Anne says Dan's in the hot seat because he has to balance his time with both Rachel and Tara. Dan tells his friends about the Rachel/Tara situation. Rachel kisses him on the cheek. Dan says he's spending more time with Rachel than Tara while he's there because he's hurt Rachel and he feels he owes it to her to explain things.
    He says that Rachel still wants to be his girlfriend. He tells Rachel that he has to be honest with her and they have to comfortable with just being friends. He says he hurt her a lot, but it was when he told her exactly how he felt.
    The next morning, Anne says she loved hanging out with Dan's parents. Scenes of them eating a big breakfast. His parents take photos of them all. The gang and some of Dan's pals all plan on going up to the city and partying at Dan's frat house.
    As they pile into the Winnie, they discover a tape and the next clue. As they play the tape, it says "Timber" and then tells them they will be driving to Hayward, Wisconsin to meet Sean. Noah's excited because he wants to see his family who live near there. Then they all realize Sean is Sean Duffy from Real World Boston and that the next mission will probably have something to do with lumberjack sports.
    Jon seems worried about rolling logs and such. The rest of the group seems excited.
    At the party, Dan and Rachel sit together and talk more. Rachel complains to Dan that Tara looks like Marsha from the Brady Bunch. Dan doesn't say anything. Tara says it bothers her that Dan is spending so much time with Rachel. Rachel goes into Dan's bedroom with him at the frat house and closes the door. Dan says he feels like a hypocrite.
    Tara says it's not okay that he sleeps with Rachel one night and with her the next.
    Dan says he didn't "do" anything with Rachel, but Tara says they still need to have a long talk about what's going on.
    Dan says Rachel needs to get over him because he's gone now. They all say goodbye to his parents, Rachel and pals - and head off to the Lumberjack Village.
    They drive up to the village and meet Sean, who's climbing down from a tree. Anne thinks Sean is a babe.
Mission 7: Lumberjack Games
    Sean shows them how to saw, roll logs, throw axes at targets and climb. During the practicing, Anne hurts her ankle trying to roll a log. Jon gives her a piggyback ride to the Red Cross hut. She asks him if he thinks she's a wuss and Jon says no. She's frustrated by the injury because she doesn't want to be on the sidelines the rest of the trip.
    Anne's flirting with Sean and complaining about the nurse who treated her injury. She's mad that the nurse said she couldn't even compete in the axe throw which doesn't involve using her ankle.
    That night, alone in the Winnie - Dan and Tara lay in bed and talk about Rachel. Tara says she feels guilty about their relationship. Dan says Rachel still wants to be his girlfriend. He says he felt like the boyfriend hugging Rachel and not the friend hugging her. Dan says he hopes things don't get weird between him and Tara. She says she doesn't see that happening.
Segment #3
    The next morning, Noah says Dan's an athlete so it'll be interesting to see how he does in the competition (they will be competing against each other). The first event is the tree climb. Dan wins by a landside at 13.5 seconds. Noah is in second. At the axe throw, Noah comes in last. Anne, while flirting with Sean, attempts to throw the axe at the target. She misses.
    The next event is the cross-cut sawing. Noah's getting teased for not doing as well as Dan.
    In the log-rolling competition, Tara beats Noah and Dan!
    In the last event where they each have to race across the pond on top of floating logs, Jon favors Dan to win because he's the most athletic. Anne thinks Dan will win. Tara wants Noah to win, but knows Dan will. Dan hopes Noah will win so he'll shut up.
    They race across the logs and Noah comes in at 36.56 seconds. Dan comes in at 36.00 seconds and wins it. Dan wins the all-around scoring of all the competitions put together.
Mission 7: completed!
    Dan says he can't worry about failing when he has a task to accomplish.
End Segment
    Noah sings a funny song about Anne's flirtation with Sean the lumberjack.

What MTV had to say about the episode:

507: GO DAN !!

    Previously: Anne's fine sense of geometry sniffs out a triangle as the Roadies receive a clue that instructs them to visit Dan's hometown. The impending confrontation between Tara, Dan, and Rachel (Dan's ex-girlfriend), leaves everyone holding their breath.
    As per usual, Noah is at the wheel of the lovable old Winnie as it hurtles through the golden sunlight towards Minnesota - home of Paul Bunyan and Dan. Tara is smiling and laughing, but she can't completely hide her nervousness. She asks Dan, "should we show your parents our bed - show them we sleep together?" Dan surprises everyone when he explains that his father would be upset if Dan were sleeping alone. But Dan privately confesses that he is very apprehensive about Tara and Rachel finally finding each other face to face.
    Look at that house! It's LEAVE IT TO BEAVER, 1998. Perfectville. Norman Rockwell. Everyone piles out of la Win and Dan leads the way right into the waiting arms of his happy parents. It's hugs for everyone and come on in and have something to eat. Mrs. Dan has food piled around everywhere and the Roadies dig right in. Mr. Dan points out the large map tacked on the wall - look, this charts the route of your Northern Trail. Kewl, pops! Oh and don't forget to take a look at the pictures of Dan hanging on the walls. Well how could we forget, they're everywhere! A few pictures of Mom and Dad are thrown in for good measure and we find that Dad played football for the Vikings. In fact, Dad has had a lot of influence on Dan, especially as a coach. Witness the mantra that Dad has instilled in his son: "Good, better, best, never let it rest, until your good is better than the best." How 'bout a little pressure... Dan recognizes his father as a very positive person and believes "that's where I get it from." Yet Dan also realizes that he has a habit of shying away from conflict. But no more - he's gonna face his problems head on... starting with Rachel.
    Without a moment to lose, Dan hits the phones and invites all of his friends over for a visit. All of his friends -- including Rachel. Within minutes, the house is filling up with rosy-cheeked teens who all want to get into a good college. Tara casually sips a beer, but her eyes never leave the front door. Is that her? Is that her? That's her! Gosh, she's quite pretty. Rachel cautiously shuffles through the front door, shy and awkward. As usual, Anne cuts right to the heart of the situation, "Dan is on the hot-seat, trying to make two women happy." Double your pleasure, double your fun. Double your trouble.
    Dan moves out to the back patio for some male bonding, and his buddies ask what's up with the dueling damsels. Dan quietly assures them that even though it's an uncomfortable situation, everything is out in the open. On the front sidewalk, Tara and Rachel are standing side by side, painfully trying not to notice one another as the others around them chat casually. Without making eye contact, Tara introduces herself to Rachel, but Rachel can only flash a weak smile. Yikes.
    Dan privately confesses that he is spending most of the evening with Rachel, but defends his actions as his natural right - he needs to comfort her after causing her so much pain. But Rachel keeps trying to touch him, keeps trying to cuddle. Dan finally gets her alone for a private chat and sets her straight: "I'm not your boyfriend any more, and it feels good." He escorts her to her car.
    Next morning, the kitchen is miraculously stocked with another enormous spread of food. Where does it all come from? All bellies full, now how shall we spend the day? Well, obviously we should drive to Dan's house on campus and party! Everyone piles back into the Winnie and you-know-who gets behind the wheel as usual. On the road again. Hey, what's this? Anne grabs a cassette tape from the counter - it's a new clue!! Noah pops the tape into the player: "Meet Sean in Hayward, Wisconsin." Could that be lumberjack Sean from The Real World? Noah is tripping - Wisconsin is home!
    Have you ever seen the movie Animal House? Well, the house that Dan lives in is nothing like that. Yeah, everyone is drinking beer and milling around, but it's a pretty sedate scene. Maybe it's because everyone is waiting for Tara and Rachel to rip each other to shreds. Dan cuddles with Rachel on the couch as Tara chats with some of the local boyz. Rachel can't help but tell Dan she thinks Tara looks just like Marcia Brady. I don't think that's a compliment. Dan quietly confesses that he feels like a hypocrite for spending so much time with Rachel after convincing Tara that Rachel was out of his life. What can a guy do in this situation?
    Dan hits the keg and he's getting a little tipsy. Yep, he's gonna pass out on this nice bed right here. Dan plops his bones onto a futon as Rachel slinks into the room and closes the door behind them. She asks Dan if he would like her to sleep with him. Now, what kind of question is that?! Slightly slurring, Dan reminds Rachel that it's her decision. She cuddles down next to him... So much for breaking up. And don't think Tara doesn't notice. She's a little miffed. "He's sleeping with Rachel tonight and will be sleeping with me in the Winnie tomorrow night? Not cool." Sleep well!
    The next morning, the Roadies head back over to Dan's parents' house for the final farewell. Dan explains that Rachel did sleep next to him, but nothing happened. He continues, "Rachel needs to get over me because I'm gone." Another round of hugs, and it's bye-bye.
    All roads lead to Wisconsin, and Noah's pulse starts to pep at the thought of hanging with his homies. First stop, the designated lumberjack camp. Look, up on the top of that pole! It's a bird ... it's a koala bear ... it's Sean from The Real World! He's got his climbing spikes on and he slides down the trunk back to earth as the Roadies step over. Anne is grinning her man-trap grin. Her only comment: "Sean is a babe." Bunyan boy explains that the Rulers will be training to compete in five lumberjack competitions: the ax throw, the cross cut saw, the log roll, the boom run, and the speed climb. Today we train, tomorrow we vie for the championship.
    The Roadies hit the water and forget about sawing logs - it's time for rolling logs. Poor Anne falls off her log before you can say "uncoordinated." She's sprained her ankle. Jon gives Anne a piggyback ride over to the Red Cross Station. She's out of the competition for good, but the rest of the Trail Blazers put in a full day of preparation.
    That night in the Winnie, Dan and Tara are laying side by side on their bed, but they aren't touching. Dan asks Tara if it was weird for her to meet Rachel. Tara confesses that she feels like "bitch girl." Dan confesses that he felt awkward hugging Rachel, but still wanted to because he wants her as a friend. He asks Tara point blank, "is there something I can do to handle this situation better?" Tara assures him there is nothing he can do, reminding him "it's all good." Dan quietly asks, "so we're back to normal?" Tara snuggles in next to him as the Winnie rolls on.
    The morning of the competition. Dan explains that everyone has always considered him "good during practice, but can't win the game." Today he is out to change all that. And he's off to a good start. He wins the speed climb, leaving a shocked Sean open-mouthed with a time of 13 seconds. Not bad for a beginner. He also wins the ax throw. Poor Anne tries to do her best with her bandaged ankle, but her ax doesn't even stick into the target. Next, Dan wins the cross-cut saw event. Now Noah is getting steamed. He wanted to win first place, after all: "I'm sick of Mr. All American Porn Jock winning all the time. He's not gonna win the next one!" This only gives Dan more motivation, "I want to win just to shut Noah up! But even if I win, that probably won't shut him up." What's next? The boom run. Ten logs are tied together end to end between two docks and the contestants must run across them without falling into the water. Most people don't make it even two steps. But Dan makes it all the way, winning the event and the championship. But he's done more than win - he's learned something. "You can't be confident and second-guess yourself, or you'll lose. You have to believe in yourself, until good is better than best." Right on, brother.

All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.

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