Season 1 Episodes


1: Land sailing race
2: Find the Youngest Mayor in America and win his key

My comments:
   Each member of the cast followed a clue that lead them to a hilltop in Malibu California, And when they got there they got to meet the group that they would be traveling with. Allison- New York, Kit- Georgia, Los- Georgia, Mark-Florida, and Shelly- Oklahoma. Once they got to meet each other they were off to find the Winnie. When they found the Winnie that found a clue that told them that they needed to go to Ivanpah Lake and to hurry because they needed to get a few sails in before the day was over. After they got the clue they decided to christen the Winnie before they left, so they took the champagne and tried to break it over the bumper, and it took about tries before they could get it to break. Once they got on the road it did not take long for them to get lost. Eventually they got back on track and figured out where they needed to go. They ended up getting there late so they decided just to go to bed and get up in the morning and practice, so Allison decided that she would like to sleep outside and everyone else thought that she was nuts, so she sleep outside alone.
   The next morning everyone got up to the surprise that the lake was dried up, and then they found out that they were going to landsail, and the two winners where to get rooms at the Excaliber hotel in Las Vegas. So the race was off, and just when Allison tried to pass Mark her cart flipped over, and Mark and Los ended up winning. So after saying goodbye to the guys that helped them they were off to Las Vegas. As soon as they entered the hotel Kit started asking Los for money to gamble with, and eventually Los gives in and gives everyone 50 dollars to play with. When Kit was gambling a waitress sits a tape on her tape, it their next clue. So they ran the clue upstairs to the room and listened to it, and it told them that they were to find the youngest mayor in America.
   The next morning they were off to find the youngest mayor, and Kit has the bright idea to call the library and ask, and they got lucky and found out that they were to meet Louie Valdaz in Nogales Arizona. So they were off to Arizona. That night when they were trying to find a place to stay in Phoenix, they ended up staying in a dead end street because the could not get a room because Shelly was only 18.
   So the nest morning they took off again to Nogales. So when they got to Nogales they went to find Louie. When they found him they he tells them that they are going to compete in a pentathlon to win the key to his city.

All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.

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